Director Explains Why it’s Called Final Fantasy Type-0

IGN recently spoke with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD director Hajime Tabata and learned a few new facts about the upcoming western HD release.

While answering a question about the unique nature of Type-0's title, Tabata gave a little more insight as to why it was chosen.

“We incorporated the meaning of starting anew, from zero, in the title Type-0,” he said. "It was an expression of determination towards a series of its own, one that is both like and unlike Final Fantasy."

Originally called Final Fantasy Agito XIII, Tabata explains Type-0’s re-branding as separate from Final Fantasy XIII began to take effect around 2009.

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Banshee: EP Greg Yaitanes Talks Shocking Season 3 Finale

Full spoilers for the Banshee: Season 3 finale follow...

So how are you guys feeling after that big Banshee season finale? Are you grieving for Gordon? Were you stoked to see Proctor get some retribution? And how about Bunker getting his tattoos seared off by his brother? I spoke to Banshee EP Greg Yaitanes about all the great and gory goings-on, what we might expect from Season 4, and the new Banshee Saga episode debuting online.

Banshee: "We All Pay Eventually" Review

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Star Citizen FPS Mode, Other Game Details Discussed at SXSW

During a panel at SXSW today, Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts gave details and background on the runaway crowdfunding success story.

Star Citizen recently passed $75 million USD in funding, which far exceeded what Roberts had initially set out to raise. The original plan was to crowdfund $2-4 million, with $10 million lined up from private investors. The original plan was to scale the game back to get it released with the planned funding, and as the game matured, Roberts said, it would be updated with more content.

He believes now that when all is said and done, the game will have spent roughly $100 million on development. The runaway success of the funding effort is "just going to make a better game."

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Marvel Announces Star Wars: Shattered Empire

Marvel has revealed a new comic book called Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Shattered Empire. As that mouthful of a title suggests, the series is aimed at exploring the period between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.

No specifics were revealed as far as story direction or creative team, though Marvel did debut this teaser image from artist Phil Noto:


A few details can be inferred from the title and teaser image. Shattered Empire looks to pick up where RotJ left off, with the Empire in disarray after the destruction of the second Death Star and the Rebel Alliance celebrating their hard-won victory on Endor. Presumably this series will focus on Luke, Han, Leia and the rest of the gang as they press their advantage and battle the fractured remnants of Palpatine's Empire.

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Who Will Buy An Apple Watch?

Apple's "Spring Forward" event has come and gone -- and now we know about the company's plans for the Apple Watch (well, some of them), as well as the launch of a new MacBook and a price cut for the AppleTV. We jump on all of these topics...after a bit of lighthearted banter at the start.

Also, in case you're wondering just what image Justin was looking at of the world's tallest man... here it is.

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The One Area Marvel Needs to Play Catch-up

Marvel Comics has had an unprecedented amount of success these past several years.

Save for a few months here and there, they’ve been the number one comic book seller in both units sold and dollars earned. They’ve got a great live-action TV show in Agents of SHIELD along with cartoons Ultimate Spider-Man and Hulk and the Agents of SMASH that satisfy a younger audience. Their Avengers movies are wildly successful, raking in billions of box office dollars and dominating pop culture like never before.

The company is doing well, yes, but there’s one area they have been lagging behind the competition: creator-owned comics.

In 1982, Marvel started their Epic Comics imprint as a place where their top-name creators could go to create comics based on their own ideas. There were some incredible titles like Jim Starlin’s Dreadstar and Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill’s Marshal Law, but it wasn’t long before sales dipped across the board and Marvel tried to save the line by adding characters like Elektra and Wolverine. Despite these efforts, the imprint folded, only to return for a brief stint in the 2000s.

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Ghostbusters Director on Ruining Your Childhood

Ghostbusters reboot director Paul Feig has been talking about the online response to the film’s female cast, saying he was surprised by the negative backlash.

“The Internet is really funny -- I love it, but I hate it at the same time,” said the helmer while promoting his new comedy Spy at SXSW. “The first wave when you make an announcement like that is overwhelmingly positive. Everyone’s so happy and you’re like, ‘This is great.’ Then comes the second wave and you’re like, ‘Oh my God. Some of the most vile, misogynistic s— I’ve ever seen in my life.’”

Feig’s film will star Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones as a new group of female Ghostbusters.

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What Do You Think of DC’s New Superhero Costumes?

With six of DC's most popular heroes getting new looks this week, we wanted to see which one you liked the best.

Take a look at new costumes for Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman, then vote in our poll and let us know your thoughts in the comments.



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A Special Brand of Zombie: Carlton Cuse on The Returned

Spoilers for the first episode of The Returned follow...

What would you do if the dead returned? That seems to be a frequent foundational premise in film and television right now. A&E's The Returned poses that question, adding that the deceased loved ones are reappearing just as they were, untouched by time, and fully intact.

If the premise sounds similar to ABC's Resurrection, it is. However, the A&E series is based on a French show that predates Resurrection. As mentioned, it's a popular premise in one form or another at the moment.

We were able to speak with executive producer Carlton Cuse (Lost, Bates Motel, The Strain) about how his series stands out from the pack...

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Powers: Digging Deep into Sony’s Original Series

This week saw the debut of PlayStation's first piece of original programming, a TV show called Powers. From a primer on Powers to interviews with the cast and creators to reviews of the first episodes, we've got everything you need to dig into the newest superhero property.

To start you out, here's the Powers trailer. If you haven't already seen it, give it a look, then scroll down to dive right in.

In a world where superheroes are real -- if not exactly super in their actions -- a pair of cops must investigate the cases involving these ultra-beings... these Powers.

Based on the award-winning comic book of the same name, Powers is the PlayStation Network’s first original scripted series. And it debuts next Tuesday, March 10th. So let’s break down what the new show’s all about -- here’s everything you need to know about Powers. Continue Reading

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