5 Comics You Should Buy This Week

We all want the best of the best, so let us point out the hottest comics and collectibles released each week. We spotlight our favorite comics that we know are money-well-spent, new books that look cool, and any toys we can't wait to play with.

Check out our picks, then take to the comments to let us know what looks good to you!


By writer Mark Millar & artist Sean Murphy | Image Comics

Before we even get to the premise, this comic is worth buying just on the talent involved alone. Mark Millar’s name is synonymous with action-packed comic books that have a tendency to become blockbuster movies -- Kick-Ass, Secret Service, Civil War. Sean Murphy is one of the hottest artists working in comics today, delivering jaw-dropping set pieces with an intricate sense of design, as glimpsed in his horror/adventure mini-series with Scott Snyder, The Wake.

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O’Barr: Downton Abbey Actress Joins The Crow

Downton Abbey actress Jessica Brown Findlay has joined the cast of Corin Hardy's The Crow, according to comics creator James O'Barr.

Speaking at the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention, O'Barr says Brown Findlay will play Shelly, protagonist Eric's deceased girlfriend. As mentioned by Dread Central, Shelly primarily appeared via flashbacks in both the graphic novels and the 1994 film.

O'Barr added that Brown Findlay was the top choice for the role, and while the casting isn't official, it seems like a deal will be made.

Brown Findlay Jessica Brown Findlay in Downton Abbey.

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RE Revelations 2 Gets Raid Mode Online Co-Op This Month

Online co-op is coming to Resident Evil Revelations 2's Raid mode on March 31st for all platforms.

At this point, only split-screen co-op is supported. Speaking to IGN, Capcom clarified that online co-op will come to Raid mode as a free software update.

Capcom had originally explained that the action-oriented Raid mode wouldn't support online co-op until after all four episodes of Resident Evil Revelations 2 were out. The final episode goes live before the end of the month.

The final episode will bring more Raid mode options, including new outfits for Barry and Claire, states Capcom's blog.

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Company Makes $100,000 Apple Watch

If Apple's $10,000 dollar 18-karat gold Apple Watch - Edition wasn't luxurious enough, Brikk recently announced a line of diamond-encrusted Apple Watches that could run buyers over $100,000.


Brikk, the same company who brought you the gold iPhone 6, is offering a line of 30 luxury Apple Watches. These come in 18-carat pink gold, 24-karat yellow gold, and 950 platinum, all in either 38mm or 42mm models.

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Why Is Baby Groot Hiding His Dance from Drax?

Fanboys can agree on one thing: Guardians of the Galaxy's Baby Groot is adorable. But why did the endearing little plant stop dancing when Drax turned around at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy? According to director James Gunn, the answer lies in a deleted scene.

Guesting on Doug Benson's Doug Loves Movies podcast, Gunn revealed that an earlier scene in the movie -- which was inevitably left out of the final cut -- showed big Groot dancing to "Livin' Thing" by ELO, much to Drax's dismay. It turns out Baby Groot was still embarrassed about the incident.

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Tesla to End ‘Range Anxiety’ in Electric Cars

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has teased an update that will end "range anxiety" in the company's Model S cars.

"Range anxiety" is something that electric car owners are likely familiar with - the fear of travelling too far and becoming stranded without a charger in sight. However, Musk tweeted early this morning that an "end" to range anxiety will be revealed at a Tesla press conference this Thursday.

"About to end range anxiety ... via OTA software update," Musk says in his tweet. "Affects entire Model S fleet."

As Engadget notes, this is a bold claim since Tesla has previously relied on hardware upgrades to extend the mileage of its vehicles. Since Musk says all Model S cars will receive the update, this end to range anxiety is likely to come in the form of battery optimisations or a power-saving mode.

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Comcast May be Violating Net Neutrality Rules

By blocking HBO Go on PlayStation 4 and PS3, Comcast could be violating one of the FCC's newly passed net neutrality rules.

On Thursday the FCC published the official text of the Open Internet Order, which, until then, was unseen by the public. The first focus of the order, as previously explained by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, is to eliminate three practices deemed exceedingly harmful to a free internet: blocking, throttling and paid prioritzation.

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How To Stay Alive in the Zombie Apocalypse

Let's face it: sometime, somewhere, there will be an outbreak that sparks the zombie apocalypse. Sooner or later, we'll be fighting for our survival.

Maybe we're just being paranoid, and the upcoming release of Dead Rising Watchtower hasn't helped our paranoia, but we're already planning how we'll stay alive when zombies inevitably invade our streets. So, in the interest of helping each other out, we took to social media and asked what the ideal weapon to fight zombies is. Without further ado, here's what you recommended we use for the zombie apocalypse:

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Star Citizen’s $75 Million is ‘Liberating’

Star Citizen, the massive spaceflight simulator from Wing Commander series creator Chris Roberts breezed past a $75 million fundraising milestone this week, extending the record it set last year as the most successful crowdfunding project ever.

“It's a little surreal. I didn't even think that 10 would be possible,” Roberts told IGN. “I'm always amazed. If you came up to me and said that we would be at $75 million when I started October 2012, I would be absolutely nuts.

“I used to have some arguments internally where the head of marketing was like ‘Well, we'll see if we can do 20

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Out This Week: March 16, 2015

With so many new games and movies coming out, it can be hard to keep up. Lucky for you, IGN is here to help with a weekly round-up of the biggest releases each and every week. Check out the latest releases for this week, and be sure to come back next Monday for a new update.

Note: The prices and deals compiled below are accurate at the time we published this story, but all are subject to change.


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