Monthly Archives: May 2021
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade Exclusive to PS5 for Six Months Minimum
AMC is Giving its New Shareholder Base What They Want
At the height of Stonks Mania, there were two companies that seemingly benefitted from a mad rush of individual, retail investors — GameStop and AMC Entertainment.
A quick recap for those who may have forgotten: back in January, retail investors (non-professional) started buying up large percentages of GameStop and AMC stocks. The basic rundown is that a sea of retail investors decided to push back against the big guys (institutional investors), effectively calling out their plans to bet against companies like GameStop and AMC. This is called short stopping.
For a full breakdown of what exactly happened and why it matters, I highly recommend Elizabeth Lopatto’s excellent write-up over at The Verge. But all we really need to understand is that millions of people started buying AMC stock, and effectively helped AMC survive the most tumultuous time in company history.
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The effect of this dash, currently being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), is still uncertain. What’s adamantly clear, however, is both GameStop and AMC have a new army of bosses (shareholders) they have to please. AMC is leaning into it full stop.
On the company’s recent earnings call, CEO Adam Aron acknowledged that AMC now has “an army of passionate, interested individual shareholders, some three million strong,” adding that at last count it was closer to 3.2 million. This will change how AMC interacts with new management, as Aron put it. No longer will Aron prioritize CNBC spots, which are difficult to attain in general. Instead, Aron is touting websites like Reddit and YouTube as the best way to reach their new shareholder base.
“Just go on Twitter, just go on Reddit, just go on YouTube,” Aron said. “Read what these people write. They love AMC.”
Or, to put it another way, a large percentage of AMC’s owners live on the internet, so that’s where he’ll be, too.
“You're going to see a lot more outreach to literally millions of investors in our company, and it's going to be quite public,” Aron said, adding that he’s “started tweeting again.”
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For analysts and non-retail investors, Aron’s love for a relatively new base of shareholders may be concerning. How does the shift in power affect business decisions that AMC makes, for example?
While AMC is starting to come out of its worst period, the company is also entering a new, completely unfamiliar world. Here’s how one analyst poised that exact question to AMC’s top executive team: “If management thinks that increasing the share authorization is the best move for the company but the new shareholders don't, then what is the way forward from there?” Aron, as is standard for the chief executive, didn’t mince words.
“If management thinks something and the owners of our business think something else, in the free market system, guess who wins? Guess who always wins?” Aron said. “The owners of the business — because management works for the owners.”
There are ways that management can “try and persuade” the shareholders about a strategy, but Aron made it apparent that he believes they’ll work together to ensure AMC’s success continues. That includes ensuring their interests are heard and respected.
[poilib element="quoteBox" parameters="excerpt=Remember%3A%20the%20internet%20is%20real%20%E2%80%94%20and%20the%20effects%20of%20a%20%E2%80%9Cmeme%20economy%E2%80%9D%20are%20starting%20to%20play%20out%20in%20the%20real%20world"]
For example: gorillas. AMC Cares, the company’s charity arm, is donating $50,000 to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, which goes to helping gorilla wildlife in Central Africa. Aron is also donating an additional $50,000 from his own pocket to the fund. Why? Because AMC’s new investors have embraced the cause, so AMC will, too.
“I work for them. So by definition, their interests and passions are important to AMC,” Aron said, adding that “many of our investors, too, have embraced Dian Fossey's cause and have raised substantial monies for it.”
Sure, retail investors may believe in saving gorillas. Raising money for the foundation is a noble cause, to be clear. But retail investors, many of whom may hang out on subreddits like r/wallstreetbets and talk in memes, may just love the idea of finding a cause that relates to “apes strong together,” a saying that is used when individual retail investors are “bullish on heavily-shorted stocks like GameStop,” according to Investopedia.
Is it possible that the CEO of AMC picked a foundation because of a meme generated on r/wallstreetbets that more than three million of his new shareholders have embraced? Absolutely. Is leaning into a meme base generated on a subreddit a good business plan? I certainly don't know.
But remember: the internet is real — and the effects of a “meme economy” are starting to play out in the real world.
AMC is Giving its New Shareholder Base What They Want
At the height of Stonks Mania, there were two companies that seemingly benefitted from a mad rush of individual, retail investors — GameStop and AMC Entertainment.
A quick recap for those who may have forgotten: back in January, retail investors (non-professional) started buying up large percentages of GameStop and AMC stocks. The basic rundown is that a sea of retail investors decided to push back against the big guys (institutional investors), effectively calling out their plans to bet against companies like GameStop and AMC. This is called short stopping.
For a full breakdown of what exactly happened and why it matters, I highly recommend Elizabeth Lopatto’s excellent write-up over at The Verge. But all we really need to understand is that millions of people started buying AMC stock, and effectively helped AMC survive the most tumultuous time in company history.
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The effect of this dash, currently being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), is still uncertain. What’s adamantly clear, however, is both GameStop and AMC have a new army of bosses (shareholders) they have to please. AMC is leaning into it full stop.
On the company’s recent earnings call, CEO Adam Aron acknowledged that AMC now has “an army of passionate, interested individual shareholders, some three million strong,” adding that at last count it was closer to 3.2 million. This will change how AMC interacts with new management, as Aron put it. No longer will Aron prioritize CNBC spots, which are difficult to attain in general. Instead, Aron is touting websites like Reddit and YouTube as the best way to reach their new shareholder base.
“Just go on Twitter, just go on Reddit, just go on YouTube,” Aron said. “Read what these people write. They love AMC.”
Or, to put it another way, a large percentage of AMC’s owners live on the internet, so that’s where he’ll be, too.
“You're going to see a lot more outreach to literally millions of investors in our company, and it's going to be quite public,” Aron said, adding that he’s “started tweeting again.”
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For analysts and non-retail investors, Aron’s love for a relatively new base of shareholders may be concerning. How does the shift in power affect business decisions that AMC makes, for example?
While AMC is starting to come out of its worst period, the company is also entering a new, completely unfamiliar world. Here’s how one analyst poised that exact question to AMC’s top executive team: “If management thinks that increasing the share authorization is the best move for the company but the new shareholders don't, then what is the way forward from there?” Aron, as is standard for the chief executive, didn’t mince words.
“If management thinks something and the owners of our business think something else, in the free market system, guess who wins? Guess who always wins?” Aron said. “The owners of the business — because management works for the owners.”
There are ways that management can “try and persuade” the shareholders about a strategy, but Aron made it apparent that he believes they’ll work together to ensure AMC’s success continues. That includes ensuring their interests are heard and respected.
[poilib element="quoteBox" parameters="excerpt=Remember%3A%20the%20internet%20is%20real%20%E2%80%94%20and%20the%20effects%20of%20a%20%E2%80%9Cmeme%20economy%E2%80%9D%20are%20starting%20to%20play%20out%20in%20the%20real%20world"]
For example: gorillas. AMC Cares, the company’s charity arm, is donating $50,000 to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, which goes to helping gorilla wildlife in Central Africa. Aron is also donating an additional $50,000 from his own pocket to the fund. Why? Because AMC’s new investors have embraced the cause, so AMC will, too.
“I work for them. So by definition, their interests and passions are important to AMC,” Aron said, adding that “many of our investors, too, have embraced Dian Fossey's cause and have raised substantial monies for it.”
Sure, retail investors may believe in saving gorillas. Raising money for the foundation is a noble cause, to be clear. But retail investors, many of whom may hang out on subreddits like r/wallstreetbets and talk in memes, may just love the idea of finding a cause that relates to “apes strong together,” a saying that is used when individual retail investors are “bullish on heavily-shorted stocks like GameStop,” according to Investopedia.
Is it possible that the CEO of AMC picked a foundation because of a meme generated on r/wallstreetbets that more than three million of his new shareholders have embraced? Absolutely. Is leaning into a meme base generated on a subreddit a good business plan? I certainly don't know.
But remember: the internet is real — and the effects of a “meme economy” are starting to play out in the real world.
How to Watch WizKids’ Community Paint Night Event This Friday

WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream Start Time
The WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit livestream will start on Friday, May 7 at 3pm PT, 6pm ET, 11pm BST. If you’re tuning in from Australia, that translates to Saturday, May 8 at 8am AEST.Where to Watch the WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream
If you’re interested in watching the upcoming WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit livestream, we’ll be hosting the stream here and across our many channels on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, and more. Here’s the full list of places you can watch the livestream:- (homepage)
- IGN's Facebook Channel
- IGN’s Twitter
- IGN's Twitch Channel
- IGN’s Youtube Channel
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How to Participate In the WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream
You can search for participating retailers by searching the WizKids Info Network (WIN). You can then contact them and let them know you'd like to join the event and purchase one of the D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures: Red Slaad figures to join in on the fun. As you are painting your Red Slaad figure, you are encouraged to share your progress with #WKPaintParty, where you can also see other painters' progress from around the world. [ignvideo url=""]What to Expect From the WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream
The WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream will be hosted by The Crafting Muse's Vee Mus'e and Dragon Talk's Shelly Mazzanoble and Greg Tito, and they will lead the community as all participants work to paint their own miniature and share their progress! [poilib element="accentDivider"] Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.How to Watch WizKids’ Community Paint Night Event This Friday

WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream Start Time
The WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit livestream will start on Friday, May 7 at 3pm PT, 6pm ET, 11pm BST. If you’re tuning in from Australia, that translates to Saturday, May 8 at 8am AEST.Where to Watch the WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream
If you’re interested in watching the upcoming WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit livestream, we’ll be hosting the stream here and across our many channels on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, and more. Here’s the full list of places you can watch the livestream:- (homepage)
- IGN's Facebook Channel
- IGN’s Twitter
- IGN's Twitch Channel
- IGN’s Youtube Channel
- IGN's TikTok
- IGN's iOS App
- IGN's Android App
- IGN's PlayStation 4 App
- IGN's Xbox One App
- Roku
- IGN App for Android TV
- IGN for Amazon Fire TV
- Apple TV
- IGN 1 on Samsung TV Plus
- Pluto TV
- Plex Live TV
How to Participate In the WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream
You can search for participating retailers by searching the WizKids Info Network (WIN). You can then contact them and let them know you'd like to join the event and purchase one of the D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures: Red Slaad figures to join in on the fun. As you are painting your Red Slaad figure, you are encouraged to share your progress with #WKPaintParty, where you can also see other painters' progress from around the world. [ignvideo url=""]What to Expect From the WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream
The WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Red Slaad Paint Night Kit Livestream will be hosted by The Crafting Muse's Vee Mus'e and Dragon Talk's Shelly Mazzanoble and Greg Tito, and they will lead the community as all participants work to paint their own miniature and share their progress! [poilib element="accentDivider"] Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.The Yakuza Series Will Remain a Turn-Based RPG Series Going Forward
Lost Judgment Officially Announced, Worldwide Release This September
Muppets Haunted Mansion Coming to Disney+ This Fall
Over on YouTube, however, you can take part in an interactive experience in which you explore the Most Mystifying Attractions at Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort, Hong Kong Disney Resort, and Disneyland Paris. This Halloween-themed video, which visits the Haunted Mansion, Mystic Manor, and Phantom Manor exhibits at the parks, is part of Disney's #HalfwaytoHalloween event, and contains a "surprise look" at the Haunted Mansion-themed special at the end of the tour. No release date beyond 'Fall' is provided, but it seems sensible to expect Muppets Haunted Mansion to drop somewhere in October. It is a Halloween special, after all. [ignvideo url=""] For more from the Muppets, see our review of Muppets Now, the Disney+ show featuring the beloved Jim Henson characters that premiered last year. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matt Purslow is IGN's UK News and Entertainment Writer.Welcome foolish mortals to #MuppetsHauntedMansion! Our all-new @DisneyPlus Original Special is streaming this fall. #HalfwayToHalloween
— The Muppets (@TheMuppets) May 7, 2021
Mass Effect: Dark Horse Direct to Rerelease Sold-Out Normandy Statue