Monthly Archives: May 2021
Android 12 Makes Drastic Changes to the Operating System
Google also notes that Android 12 includes some new changes to privacy and security, most notably with a new privacy dashboard. This dashboard offers a single view into your permission settings along with other information such as easy access to disabling app permissions and looking at what data is being accessed. Android 12 will also expand on the leverage of the Android ecosystem by allowing your Android phone and other devices it is connected to provide more convenience in your day-to-day. One such feature gives "select Pixel and Samsung Galaxy phones" the option to double the smartphone as a car key. Google confirms it was working with several car manufacturers, including BMW, to add support for the feature. Google has released a public beta for Android 12, which you can download for several phones, including Google Pixel 3 and up, and devices from companies such as OnePlus, Asus, and Lenovo. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Taylor is the Associate Tech Editor at IGN. You can follow her on Twitter @TayNixster.With #Android12, we redesigned the entire look and feel of your phone. From the lock screen to widgets, it feels more responsive, personal and customizable than ever before. Check out a sneak peek now. #GoogleIO
— Android (@Android) May 18, 2021
GTA 6 Unlikely This Year As Take-Two Plans 21 Games For Release Between Now And March
With its full-year financial results today, publisher Take-Two Interactive announced it plans to release a total of 21 games between now and the end of its fiscal year in March 2022. Unfortunately, it looks like none of these will be Grand Theft Auto 6.
While we don't know the names of all these games yet, existing announcements, trends, and Take-Two's own analysis can help us break down exactly what to expect.
Per Take-Two's own analysis, four of these games are "immersive core releases," with two from new franchises and two from existing franchises. One of the games from a new franchise is likely the new NFL game coming out of the partnership Take-Two announced with the league last year for a "non-simulation football game experience." And one, Take-Two says, is being made by Gearbox, giving no further details.
For the two existing franchises, one is definitely WWE 2K22, which was announced at Wrestlemania last month. The second is most likely a new NBA 2K game, as the series has had a consistent pattern of annual releases going back years.
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Unfortunately, this doesn't really leave room for GTA 6 in the coming calendar year, despite ongoing rumors and teases that the game is in development. Of the remaining 21 releases between now and March, one is an already announced independent game: OlliOlli World, from Private Division. Ten are free-to-play mobile games, with six from new franchises and four from existing franchises. And the remaining six are re-releases of existing games — so most likely platform ports or similar.
However, this doesn't count GTA 6 out entirely. Take-Two also projected out its fiscal years 2023 and 2024 (April 2022 through March 2024), saying it plans to release over 40 games, including 19 "immersive core releases," seven of which are sports sim games and four of which are free-to-play. Take-Two is also planning to release five independent games most likely through Private Division, ten free-to-play mobile games, four "mid-core" games, three of which will be "sports-oriented," and three re-releases of existing games.
There are fewer details here, but it seems much more likely that GTA 6 could slot into that 19 "immersive core releases" segment if it is indeed in development as rumored, though details are still too scarce to tell for sure.
As a disclaimer, Take-Two noted in its release that this was just a snapshot of its "current development pipeline" and that games may still be delayed, and new games might be added. Speaking to IGN, Zelnick said he felt very confident about the release slate, but acknowledged that being this specific this far in advance had its drawbacks.
"We've been asked to provide more transparency and that's what we're trying to do," he said. "...But of course, the more specificity you provide, the greater the risk we'll have to make a change in the future."
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In total, this would get Take-Two to 61 games in three years, following its promise in 2020 to release 93 games in five years, which it reiterated in February. Though it's not clear how Take-Two counts releases just yet for the purposes of these milestones (is Borderlands 3 on next-gen one new release or two?), the publisher still seems well on its way to fulfilling this projection by 2025.
The publisher's robust release plans today came alongside comments from Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick on the company's future following a record financial year, which saw the highest full-year net bookings in company history at $3.6 billion (up 20% year over year) and $3.3 billion in revenue.
In a press release, Zelnick pointed out that he sees the pandemic as having initiated a "transformational shift in entertainment consumption" that drew many people to gaming who had previously not engaged with it. However, he added that he expects a "moderation" of these trends in the future, and told IGN that the company's plans to continue to set new records each year were tied both to the surge of gaming interest as well as its aforementioned packed release slates.
In the same release, Take-Two shared that GTA 5, which just got a November release date for its PS5 and Xbox Series X/S upgrades, has now surpassed 145 million copies sold. GTA Online saw a record number of active players in the last quarter (January to March). In addition, NBA 2K21 has now sold over 10 million copies, and an average of 2.3 million users are playing NBA 2K games each day.
[poilib element="accentDivider"] Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. You can find her on Twitter @duckvalentine.Marvel Comics Relaunches Black Panther With 12 Years a Slave Screenwriter John Ridley

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition Changes Fans Love, From Tali’s New Face to Changing a Character’s Race
Tali's Face in Mass Effect 3
Anyone familiar with the original Mass Effect 3 release knows that it answered a question asked by many a Tali fan: what does Tali look like under her quarian armor? If you romance Tali in Mass Effect 3, this relationship leads to a scene in which Commander Shepard looks at a photograph of an unmasked Tali and...saw what was a photoshopped image of Miss England '05 winner, Hammasa Kohistani. Sure, BioWare did add some alien features to Kohistani's face in the photo, but at the end of the day, it was still just a photo of a human. It's safe to say BioWare took that criticism to heart because in the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect 3, Tali's face is now seemingly an original piece of art and not a photoshop of a pageant winner. You can check out Tali's new look below, courtesy of MaxGoods on Reddit.
New Pluto Textures in Mass Effect 2
Pluto is a hotly-debated topic in the world of science. Is it a planet? Is it not a planet? Mass Effect 2 doesn't care because regardless of its status in our solar system, it's something in space that can be scanned. What's interesting about scanning the planet in Mass Effect 2 now is that in the Legendary Edition of the game, Pluto's texture has been updated to match the most recent picture of Pluto from 2015.
Elanos Haliat Is a Turian in Mass Effect Now
In the original release of Mass Effect, space pirate Elanos Haliat was a human and that didn't really make much sense. Eurogamer, which originally reported on this change, pointed out how weird it was that Elanos was human in the original release of the game. As Eurogamer's report notes, Elanos hates humans, he wants to attack a human colony, and other Terminus races rally behind him as their leader. Doesn't sound very human-like, eh? That's because Elanos' status as a human was a bug in the original game. That's been fixed in the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect, however, as now Elanos appears as a Turian in the game, which makes a lot more sense. Redditor DocD173 posted a side-by-side of the change, which you can check out below.
Lovers of Liara T'Soni: Check out Her Doctorate Degree in Photo Mode
If you're romantically interested in Liara, or even just interested in this character platonically, why not get to know a little more about her educational background? Thanks to the newly-included Photo Mode in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, players can now view Liara's doctorate degree, as discovered by Redditor TannenFalconwing.
- University of Serrice
- Planet Thessia
- The governing body of the university grants this day that
- Liara T'Soni
- To be conferred the title of
- Doctor of Anthropology
- of the Prothean Era
- Having completed in due course, and with singular purpose, to continue the pursuit of truth and knowledge to further the Asari people
A quick stroll through the Mass Effect subreddit reveals dozens of posts where players are praising BioWare for adding a photo mode to the game. Redditor Demiurge93 said "adding photo mode was the best decision BioWare ever made" and that they "hope they keep it for future ME/DA titles." Another Redditor, ShadowVia, said "photo mode is a game changer," while other users, like Beanjameen, are astonished at the photos they're able to capture because of the game's photo mode, such as the one they took below.#MassEffectLegendaryEdition #SeriesX
— Shinobi602 (@shinobi602) May 18, 2021

You Can Use the Original Mako if the New One Handles Too Well for Your Liking
It's well-documented just how poorly the Mako handled in Mass Effect and while it's still not a perfect, easy-to-handle, all-terrain space vehicle, the team deserves credit for making the new Mako handle much better. It's impossible to deny that it controls much better. [ignvideo url=""] However, if you want to drive the original Mako around, flaws and all, you're free to do that by simply switching to the original version in the game's settings, as noted by a PC Gamer report. Be it nostalgia or masochism or something else entirely, this is a judgement-free zone: use that original Mako if you want to — we're just here to let you know it's possible to switch back and forth between the old and the revamped version.Even The Latest Mass Effect Legendary Edition Update Made Some Changes
As noted by the examples listed above, there are some previously-announced changes and secret changes to be found in Mass Effect Legendary Edition and at least for now, it seems more could be on the way if the latest update for the game is any indication. [ignvideo url=""] A new update pushed out on May 17 brought new visual changes to Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. Specifically, some terrain textures in Mass Effect have been improved and across both Mass Effect and its sequel, some pre-rendered cutscenes have been changed to remove visual artifacts. As noted by IGN's coverage of the update, Mass Effect 2 players will be able to enjoy "improved lighting and shadows" in the game's cinematics and "minor visual, rendering and VFX improvements" as well. Other things like achievements were fixed with this update too. If all of these discovered changes are anything to go off of, it seems there might be even more hidden within Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Have you seen some changes we didn't catch here? Drop a comment and let us know. In the meantime, be sure to read about how the game's project director says Mass Effect 3's multiplayer could return and then check out IGN's official Mass Effect wiki guide for tips and tricks, walkthroughs, how-to guides, and more. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Wesley LeBlanc is a freelance news writer and guide maker for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @LeBlancWes.Marvel Reveals Somnus, New LGBTQ Mutant Hero