Monthly Archives: July 2020
Walking Dead Boss Says World Beyond Spinoff Has ‘Deep Connections’ to Rick Grimes Movie
Ever since the pandemic delayed the Season 10 finale of The Walking Dead and the air date of The Walking Dead: World Beyond spinoff, fans have been wondering when to expect the conclusion to the most recent season and the newest Walking Dead series.
At The Walking Dead's Comic-Con@Home panel today (which was featured in IGN's Comic-Con 2020 livestream - watch below), it was revealed that the Season 10 finale, "A Certain Doom," and the premiere of World Beyond would air on Sunday, October 4. This will officially kick off World Beyond's uninterrupted first season, which will consist of 10 episodes overall.
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However, this won't exactly mark the end of The Walking Dead's Season 10, which has been extended by six episodes, which will air in early 2021. This will provide Walking Dead content for midseason while also making room for The Walking Dead's Season 11 to premiere later in the year.
We spoke to Chief Content Officer of The Walking Dead Universe Scott Gimple about the decision to add more episodes to Season 10 (as opposed to just starting Season 11) and also about how coronavirus delays have affected both World Beyond's rollout and the Rick Grimes movies which are still on the horizon.
Extra Walking Dead Episodes Will 'Bridge' Season 10 and Season 11
The reason the six extra 2021 episodes are being labeled as part of Season 10 (creating the longest Walking Dead season ever) is because, from a creative point of view, "there's a prequel quality to the stories," Gimple told us. "They're super cool and they're very focused episodes," he explained. "It's sort of this gathering storm of circumstances that made it feel 'before' Season 11." Instead of drawing from Season 11 material, The Walking Dead team decided to do something wholly different with the six new episodes. "We've been doing some work and there's been some rearrangement of that work," he continued, "but it seemed like sort of a cool way to rocket into some of these stories, to maintain the way we wanted to tell some of these other stories, and to deal with the aftermath of Season 10. It's more connected to Season 10. And Season 11 is just like throwing the throttle open on new stories. These six, in some ways, we've called them 'bridge' episodes. They bridge the two seasons. It's leaving all the threads of Season 10 and moving into Season 11." Of course, Gimple wanted to make sure that these six didn't step on the toes of the actual Season 10 finale, since "A Certain Doom" was crafted to mark the end of a larger story. "The finale is the finale," he said. "These are a prequel to 11."How The Walking Dead: World Beyond Connects to the Rick Grimes Movies
[ignvideo url=""] We know that The Walking Dead: World Beyond centers on the larger, militarized group known as the CRM that took Rick away in a helicopter back in The Walking Dead's ninth season: the group that uses the Three Rings logo (and which also made an appearance in a Season 5 episode of Fear the Walking Dead). But how connected is World Beyond to the first Rick Grimes movie? Is it meant to air before the movies, acting as a direct lead-in? Gimple says it's not meant to and that, because of coronavirus uncertainty, World Beyond and the Rick movie "can exist on their own schedules." "There's a lot of flexibility there because the stories aren't intimately involved," he shared. "There are aspects and histories that they share but really they're pretty independent of one another." Gimple also stated that World Beyond is "a peek into the mythology that some of the movie revolves around. There are aspects of World Beyond that exist in the same universe as the movie. It's just closer to what Rick's story is. You know, Rick Grimes doesn't walk out from around the corner in [World Beyond] and show up, but you learn a lot more about the world that Rick is potentially dealing with. It has deep connections to the movie." Given that World Beyond is only two seasons, and isn't meant to branch out further than that, and that it's more closely connected to The Walking Dead than Fear the Walking Dead now, was there a temptation for crossovers or more direct connections between the two shows? Gimple said it was actually the opposite. "We want these to be very different from one another," he explained. "We have audiences that have been watching for more than ten years, and after ten years we want to give them something new. Something that feels different. There wasn't that temptation to tie it into The Walking Dead. The two seasons of World Beyond, it's just telling a different story with a different format. In some ways, it's very concentrated. The Walking Dead is always portrayed as the zombie show that doesn't end. Though we've seen with the comics, it does." While the plan is still for there to be three Rick Grimes movies, a trilogy, with the coronavirus affecting production everywhere Gimple admitted that "anything could change. It's hard for me to talk with certainty about gravity right now."Does The Commonwealth Tie Into the Three Rings?
[ignvideo url=""] The next huge storyline that Walking Dead fans are looking forward to, especially fans of the comic, is The Commonwealth, which will also presumably usher in the return of Lauren Cohan's Maggie. Gimple, however, wanted to make sure that viewers didn't think The Commonwealth, which is a massive community in its own right, was part of World Beyond's Three Rings/CRM group. "I'm gonna say that's separate," he said. "Because people are going to find that out really quick." As for the postponed finale itself, "A Certain Doom," Gimple praised showrunner Angela Kang's work on it, adding that he can't wait for everyone to finally see it. "It's incredibly satisfying," he said. "It's badass and emotional. There's a marrying of scope-y, crazy things that happen but it's also super emotional. Angela put together something that is totally exciting and badass that you can feel in a Michael Bay kind of way but you can also feel it in on a very emotional level."Could the Final Walking Dead Comic Fuel More TV Stories?
A year ago, Robert Kirkman's Walking Dead comic ended its run with issue #193, titled "The Farmhouse," and within that final story Gimple found a ton of things he'd love to mine for the TV series, "whether it's filling in the stuff in between [because of the time jump] or playing out some of the stuff we saw." For Gimple, the final issue had "so much possibility for story that I, as fan of the comic, want to see come to life." "Hershel [Maggie's son] has become an incredibly fascinating character. To see his life and to see how the other characters in their future versions... you know, in one way it was an ending to the comics but in another it was a beginning he was handing to us. A great story, well-told, but with the opportunity to tell some more. That's what Robert gave us." Over the years, Robert Kirkman inadvertently spoiled Gimple on upcoming events in the comics during meetings, though with the final comic, Kirkman held back a little. "Kirkman told me so much about [the issue] but he didn't tell me it was the ending. And I so appreciate that. And I've been reading since the beginning so it's been a heavy thing. Like, he spoiled Glenn's death and a lot of other things while in the writers' room and even in that final comic the thing he wrote about me was 'Sorry for all the spoilers.' So for him to not spoil that was an incredible gift. Even though he very artfully told a lot of the stuff that was happening in it so he could loop me in, he did not spoil it."Fear the Walking Dead's Possible Time Bending
[widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-best-and-worst-walking-dead-time-jumps&captions=true"] For a very brief moment, The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead's timelines synced up - just long enough for Morgan to cross over. Then The Walking Dead jumped ahead six years, putting Fear the Walking Dead back in the past again. In fact, now it's the only one out of four properties (if you also count World Beyond and the Rick movie) to take place long ago. Because of this, Gimple said the Fear team's been toying around with the possibility of tinkering with time. "It just allows us, in the next couple years, if we are so lucky to have more seasons, to play with time a little more," he said. "To potentially have jumps ourselves. We're in this very new storytelling format on that show that's very focused on the characters -- on single characters per episode or a couple characters per episode -- and as we jump around between them we've been talking about playing around with time more and more, because we have this big piece of real estate between Fear the Walking Dead and the other shows. It's this cool element. There's also potentially some past stuff, things that would be in the past for the other shows. And there are a couple instances where you might be able to see characters in the future - the future being The Walking Dead timeline. It all just gives us more possibilities and different ways to tell stories." [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association. Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at Man Live-Action Film Is Still Happening and ‘Big News’ Is Coming Soon
While it's been a while since we've heard any updates on the live-action film based on Mega Man, directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman have confirmed that it is still happening and that "big news" should be coming soon.
Speaking to IGN's Terri Schwartz on IGN's Comic-Con@Home livestream for their film Project Power, Joost and Schulman were asked about the Mega Man film they've been attached to since 2018. Schwartz also asked if it was true that Project Power writer Mattson Tomlin was on board to write the script.
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"That is true," Joost answered. "We had such a great time working with Mattson on Project Power that we invited him in to help us out with Mega Man. We are super excited about it. I think we’re going to have some big news about it soon. I can’t say all that much right now, but it’s a project very near and dear to our hearts and we’re psyched."
Schulman then chimed in and mentioned that "Mega Man was the first Nintendo video game I ever played." Terri then followed up by asking, "What do you love about Mega Man?"
"I like that he’s an underdog hero," Schulman said. "Both of us are deeply fascinated by robotics and the future of automation, for better and for worse. I think trying to combine that into one of our favorite historical video games is the ultimate challenge."
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Back in 2018 and to celebrate Mega Man's 30th Anniversary, 20th Century Fox and Capcom confirmed Mega Man was going to be adapted to a Hollywood film. Capcom said it aims to "appeal to a diverse audience, including not only game players but action movie fans as well, with an adaptation that maintains the world of the Mega Man games, while incorporating the grand production and entertainment value that Hollywood movies are known for."
While we wait for more Mega Man news, Project Power is a lot closer and will debut on Netflix on August 14, 2020. It stars Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon Levitt, and Dominique Fishback and focuses on a world where everyone can become a superhero for five minutes by taking a mysterious new pill.
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Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to
Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.
“Off-World Vehicles” Found, Claims Former Pentagon UFO Scientist
Welcome to Earf!
An astrophysicist and former consultant to the Pentagon's UFO program recently disclosed to U.S. government officials that "off-world vehicles not made on this earth" had been retrieved, according to the New York Times.
That former consultant, Eric W. Davis, said he told a Defense Department agency this past March about the retrieval of materials of an undetermined origin. “We couldn’t make it ourselves," Davis said according to the Times.
Davis previously briefed both the Senate Armed Services Committee and staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee in late 2019 about the retrieval of unidentified materials.
It should be noted, though, that the Times report doesn't specify how or where these strange materials had been obtained. Are we talking old school Roswell crashed spaceship stuff? Or did the Skrulls really assimilate among us back in the '90s? Perhaps military aviators shot down something they thought was a Russian or Chinese spycraft but it turned out it came from Uranus instead? We just don't know ... yet.
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The U.S. government program at the center of all this, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, appeared in a Senate committee report last month earmarking spending on national intelligence agencies for the coming year. (The task force succeeded a previously covert UFO program that was disbanded.)
The Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 requires the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force "to standardize collection and reporting on unidentified aerial phenomenon, any links they have to adversarial foreign governments, and the threat they pose to U.S. military assets and installations."
The act requires the task force to make a public report of some of its findings within 180 days of the act's passage, which means we might know more about all of this soon.
However, rather than aliens, the task force is most concerned with UFOs that are possible foreign aircraft, any new aviation tech that gives rival nations or possible enemies an advantage, or aircraft used to spy on U.S. military installations.
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While completely logical explanations for some of these curious materials have already been ascertained, that's not always been the case. Some retired officials who had been part of the initiative, including former Senate majority leader Harry Reid, believe that proof that some materials are of a more cosmic origin has already been obtained.
“After looking into this, I came to the conclusion that there were reports — some were substantive, some not so substantive — that there were actual materials that the government and the private sector had in their possession," Reid told the Times.
For more coverage of flying saucers, watch these now-declassified US Navy videos purportedly showing UFOs.
And in lieu of being abducted by aliens during quarantine, check out Comic-Con@Home's Star Trek Universe panel, the best sci-fi movies on Netflix right now and why you need to binge-watch the classic anime Star Blazers.
The Walking Dead Season 10 ‘Finale’ Release Date Revealed
The long-awaited Walking Dead Season 10 finale finally has a release date. During The Walking Dead Comic-Con@Home panel, moderator Chris Hardwick announced that the Season 10 finale premiere date is October 4 at 9 p.m., followed by the delayed series premiere of The Walking Dead: World Beyond at 10 p.m.
Both The Walking Dead finale and the new spinoff series, World Beyond, were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this will be the only new Walking Dead episode to air in 2020, all 10 episodes of World Beyond have been filmed and will air without any impact from the pandemic. The Walking Dead Season 10 finale was originally supposed to release on April 12, with TWD: World Beyond intended to premiere immediately following the finale, also on Sunday, April 12.
Watch Comic-Con's 2020 Walking Dead panel in full below:
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Showrunner Angela Kang confirmed that The Walking Dead Season 11 won't premiere in October 2020, despite most previous seasons sticking to a fall debut. This is no surprise, as production has been delayed while the country has been in lockdown due to the virus. However, Kang did say that the writers' room is already working on new episodes, and the plan is to extend Season 10 by six episodes, which will air in early 2021.
"The writers' room for Season 11 has been going remotely for the past few months. We haven't been able to start production, but we'll get back to work as soon as we safely can," said Kang. "We will not be airing Season 11 episodes this year as we normally would in October, but we're excited to announce an extended Season 10, which will be six extra episodes to follow the finale which will air in early 2021 if all goes well. We're working on those now, and we'll have more to share soon. It's an extension of episodes beyond the finale."
This episode extension makes The Walking Dead Season 10 the longest season of the show to date; with the addition of six new episodes, it will be 22 episodes in length.
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Of the Season 10 finale, director Greg Nicotero teased that "the last five minutes of the episode take it to a whole other place." We know the Season 10 finale marks the return of Lauren Cohan's Maggie to the series after her departure in Season 9, and Kang revealed what else she is excited for fans to get to see.
"I'm excited for people to see what happens with Beta, what happens with Carol and her revenge arc, Daryl and his leadership role. I'll say that Seth [Gilliam's Father Gabriel] has some amazing scenes in this episode. The Commonwealth group, we will get to what I think is a really cool point for them for their journey. Everybody's at play," said Kang. "We see the return of Maggie, Negan has a key role to play -- every person in the cast, they are an important part of the puzzle. I'm really excited for everybody to see our whole group doing their thing, working together to face what's in front of them."
Be sure to tune into Comic-Con@Home on IGN Live for an exclusive interview with The Walking Dead stars Norman Reedus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Lauren Cohan, as well as with World Beyond showrunner Matt Negrete, to preview everything you have to look forward to in The Walking Dead universe. And be sure to check out our full Comic-Con 2020 panel schedule for all the latest and greatest from Comic-Con@Home.
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Terri Schwartz is Director of Content Strategy and Partnerships at IGN. Talk to her on Twitter at @Terri_Schwartz.
Marvel’s Darth Vader Will Crossover With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Though the Skywalker Saga is over and done with as far as the movies are concerned, Marvel’s line of Star Wars comics are still exploring that era. The Darth Vader comic series takes place between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and it’s in that space that series writer Greg Pak and artist Raffaele Ienco will create a connection between the iconic villain and The Rise of Skywalker, as revealed during the Comic-Con@Home Lucasfilm Publishing panel, featured as part of IGN's Comic-Con@Home livestream.
The first arc of the series sees Vader on the hunt for those who knew about the birth of his children and helped hide Luke away from him. This personal quest sees him cross paths and team up with Sabe, one of Padme Amidala’s former handmaidens and body doubles. Once that story wraps up in Issue #5, the next story will reveal how this series ties into Episode IX.
“At the end of our first arc, Vader claims to have settled all of his previous business, but the Emperor knows better. He knows Vader hasn’t settled anything! Vader is going to suffer a terrible punishment and undertake a new journey-slash-quest, and there are key elements that will tie into Episode IX in a huge way,” Pak said during the panel. “There are some doors that have been thrown wide open, which dig into some great unexplored territory and also dig deeply into the heart of Vader. Once again, I can’t believe they’re letting us do it.”
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Darth Vader #6 will kick off this new arc that will somehow connect to The Rise of Skywalker, so we’re left to speculate on just how that will happen. Obviously the Emperor makes his big return in Episode 9, and Pak said this story will involve the Emperor punishing Vader and sending him on a quest, so perhaps the connection has something to do with Palpatine.
It could be that the arc will shed some light on the opening scene of The Rise of Skywalker that took place on Mustafar, the planet Vader calls home. We saw Kylo Ren mowing down Vader’s cultists to obtain the Sith Wayfinder, so maybe we’ll learn more about that relic. It’s even possible we’ll get to meet the being known as the Eye of Webbish Bog, a new character that was cut from the opening scene.
Other story ideas that might be worth exploring include Vader learning about the cloning technology the Emperor will one day use to return from the dead, Vader meeting the failed Palpatine clone that eventually becomes Rey’s father, or Vader traveling to the hidden Sith base on Exegol. If Vader does learn about the Emperor’s cloning technology, one can only imagine he would be tempted to clone the love of his life, Padme, to bring her back.
After the Lucasfilm Publishing panel, IGN spoke with Pak about what he has in store for this crossover arc. While he kept all of the story details to himself, he did offer a small tease.
“It’s going to be a huge, hopefully deeply disturbing and entertaining and satisfying epic by the time it’s all done,” Pak said. “We got permission and the green light to do some stuff I never thought we’d be able to do.”
Watch our full video interview with Pak below:
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Speaking of Star Wars, be sure to check out our list of the best Sci-fi movies of all time and the best Disney Plus movies available on the service, and check out IGN's IGN's full Comic-Con 2020 panel schedule.
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Joshua is Senior Editor and Producer of Features at IGN. If Pokemon, Green Lantern, or Game of Thrones are frequently used words in your vocabulary, you’ll want to follow him on Twitter @JoshuaYehl and IGN.
Oscar Isaac and Legendary Comics Reveal Head Wounds: Sparrow
Legendary Comics has joined forces with Star Wars icon Oscar Isaac for a new graphic novel called Head Wounds: Sparrow. The project was revealed during Legendary's Comic-Con@Home panel.
Find out the full panel schedule for Comic-Con@Home and figure out how to watch Comic-Con 2020 from home.
This supernatural noir project was created by Bob Johnson, turned into a story by John Alvey and developed by Isaac and Jason Spire for Isaac's production company Mad Gene. The book is written by Brian Buccaletto (The Flash) and drawn by Christian Ward (Black Bolt).
Head Wounds looks to be a very personal project for Johnson, Alvey and Isaac, who have been friends since childhood. The premise came about when Johnson battled stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, inspiring the main protagonist, crooked cop Leo Guidry (who, based on the cover above, seems to be modeled physically after Isaac). Alvey helped Johnson expand the mythology of the story before turning to Isaac to develop the project.
Head Wounds follows Guidry's strange journey as he suffers a psychic head injury and becomes aware of a spiritual war waging outside the boundaries of human perception. Guidry will have to find a way to save humankind while overcoming his own inner demons and lack of empathy.
“Head Wounds: Sparrow is an exceptionally powerful tale as it draws from the creators’ own life experiences, as well as their passion for the medium,” said Robert Napton, Senior Vice President of Legendary Comics in a statement. “Sometimes things come together so effortlessly, and this is one of those projects.”
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“Bob Johnson has a mind and a soul like no one else,” said Isaac. “Our friendship and creative collaboration has spanned nearly three decades. I couldn’t be more excited to bring his unique and singular vision of Head Wounds: Sparrow to life with the incredible group of artists we’ve assembled.”
Head Wounds: Sparrow will be released at some point in early 2021.
Isaac isn't the only Hollywood star diving into the comic book realm. Keanu Reeves is co-writing a new series called BRSRKR with Matt Kindt (Mind MGMT) and artist Alessandro Vitti (Secret Warriors).
Isaac will return to the big screen in December 2020 for Denis Villeneuve's Dune remake, which is headed back for reshoots in Hungary. Isaac's character Duke Leto Atreides will also be the subject of a graphic novel prequel called Dune: House Atreides.
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Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter.

How Ghost of Tsushima’s Open World Changed During Development
Ghost of Tsushima’s open-world island offers an expansive, varied landscape, from its wintery north to the Golden Forest to seaside cliffs and more. Balancing forests and more open fields became a key component of Ghost of Tsushima’s design, but the world didn’t always start out that way.
Speaking to IGN on an episode of our PlayStation show, Podcast Beyond! Creative Director and Art Director Jason Connell explained how, during its development, Ghost’s titular island featured a lot more forestation. Watch the Podcast Beyond! episode below.
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“When we had the game built for the first, maybe, two years, it was a lot of forests,” Connell said. “It was a ton of trees always felt like you were in this claustrophobic tunnel. [It was] beautiful, but really deep, forestation, which does a couple of things.
“It is very cool, but it makes it hard to know where you are without a compass or a mini map, something giving you that extra information your brain is really needing. What we did was we started opening up fields, and I definitely pulled some Shadow of the Colossus photos out, and [said], 'Fields!' as reference because it just feels so spic when you're going through a massive field.”
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And Ghost of Tsushima’s world strives to have that balance, with some more dense areas, closed off by trees, bamboo thickets, and other vegetation, as well as open fields, which Connell explained played to one of the core design philosophies behind Ghost of Tsushima.
“Our content director, Jeff, talks a lot about content density and what is the correct density, Connell said, explaining that it’s the idea of “Thinking about if you were currently doing something, you're going across the world and you run into something, how much further would you have to ride your horse before you might find the next thing? Or, can you see the next thing from where you currently are? How dense is it?
“And I really enjoyed that conversation because it let us think about what's the right philosophy for our game. If we want to stand in one place, you just completed something, you should be able to, generally speaking, look around and find one more thing on the horizon, or see the shrine you on top of the mountain.”
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For more on Sony's latest PS4 exclusive, check out our Ghost of Tsushima review, read about Ghost of Tsushima's launch sales success, and if you're playing be sure to keep track of your progress using our interactive Ghost of Tsushima map.
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Jonathon Dornbush is IGN's Senior News Editor, host of Podcast Beyond!, and will judge you if you don't pet the fox in Ghost of Tsushima. Talk to him on Twitter @jmdornbush.
Adventure Time: Distant Lands Producer Says There’s a Potential for More HBO Max Adventure Time Shows
Adventure Time could continue to grow on HBO Max, depending on the success of the Adventure Time: Distant Lands specials.
Speaking to IGN during Comic-Con@Home, executive producer Adam Muto was asked what's next, if anything, after the Distant Lands specials have all been released.
"It's kind of been opened up by being on HBO Max," he explained, "just because it's a venue that has different concerns than linear series. So there is a possibility that, if these [specials] go well enough, that they might expand it."
Watch the Adventure Time: Distant Lands panel below:
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The Distant Lands specials are four hour-long episodes set in the Adventure Time universe, each following different characters from the original show. They mark the first new Adventure Time shows since the series ended in 2018 with a near-perfect finale.
Muto was careful to say that the creation of further Adventure Time shows will be based on more than simply HBO Max wanting more, however:
"I think it just depends on a lot of things, like how well these do, and whether there's enough ideas before it feels like we're diminishing returns. Because that's something we're always worried about; you can come back a little too often, and then that was the one time that you should haven't have come back. So you're trying to find the right spot to just say, 'That's good, right there.'"
The next Distant Lands special will be Obsidian - centered on Marceline and Princess Bubblegum - followed by Wizard School and Together Again. IGN has an exclusive look at the first official poster for Obsidian, along with information about Glassboy, the new character who will cross paths with Marceline and Princess Bubblegum to kickstart their next adventure.
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Joe Skrebels is IGN's Executive Editor of News. Follow him on Twitter. Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to
Adventure Time: Distant Lands Obsidian Poster Art Revealed
IGN is pleased to exclusively reveal the poster art for the next installment of Adventure Time: Distant Lands.
The upcoming second hour-long special, titled Obsidian, features Princess Bubblegum and Marceline the Vampire Queen, both of whom can be seen in the art below.
Adventure Time: Distant Lands - Obsidian will see Princess Bubblegum and Marceline head out on a mission to the Glass Kingdom to prevent a catastrophe. There they’ll meet Glassboy, who will be voiced by Michaela Dietz (perhaps best known as Steven Universe’s Amethyst), who moderated the show's Comic-Con@Home panel, which was featured as part of IGN's Comic-Con@Home livestream.
The panel only reveals a few key details about Glassboy, who is a new character for Obsidian, but we can exclusively reveal the official character description: "Glassboy is a young bookworm living in the pristine Glass Kingdom. Taunted by his fellow Glass People for the sizable crack in his head, he seeks a remedy to his condition and ends up accidentally waking an ancient enemy. To save the day, Glassboy seeks out the hero who once defeated the monster, the legendary Marceline the Vampire Queen."
In the panel, executive Producer Adam Muto describes Glassboy as being like Adventure Time’s protagonist Finn, but “amped up.” Dietz notes that during recording sessions, she was told to increase the amount of “fanboy” energy in her delivery. Glassboy is somewhat of an analogue for Finn in this adventure, and is the instigator for Bubblegum and Marceline’s journey.
Watch the Adventure Time: Distant Lands panel below:
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Adventure Time: Distant Lands is a four-part series of hour-long specials on HBO Max. The first episode, BMO, aired in June, and Obsidian is due to release sometime this year. The final two episodes will focus on Peppermint Butler and Finn and Jake. For more of our animated favorites, check out our rankings of the 25 best adult cartoon TV shows and check out our Comic-Con 2020 panel schedule.
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Matt Purslow is IGN's UK News and Entertainment Writer.

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Is Not Delayed, Devs Say
Following rumors that Halo Infinite's multiplayer would not be ready by its launch in Holiday 2020, 343 Industries has spoken up and said that is not true.
Brian Jarrard, Halo's community director at 343 Industries, took to Twitter to clear up any confusion that Halo Infinite's multiplayer was delayed, saying "nothing to see here folks, this is not true."
This rumor followed the gameplay reveal of Halo Infinite's campaign during the Xbox Games Showcase. 343 did not show any multiplayer and said that reveal would be coming at a later date, which is when the rumors began.
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Halo Infinite's reveal gave fans of the series that began in 2001 a look at the future of Halo and Master Chief, showcasing the games open world that will encourage exploration.
Halo Infinite, according to studio head Chris Lee and associate creative director Paul Crocker, will also be a great starting point for new fans. While Halo lore knowledge will be rewarded, this new entry ditches the numbering scheme and is more of a "spiritual reboot."
Furthermore, Halo Infinite is meant to be the start of a "platform for the future" for Halo games. This means there most likely won't be a Halo Infinite 2/Halo 7 of sorts for quite some time, and that Halo Infinite is "the start of the next ten years for Halo." That doesn't mean it will be a live service game, but there will be new story experiences told through this new game.
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For more on Halo Infinite, be sure to check out more details on its story and villain, how the most recent demo was a work-in-progress build running on a PC as powerful as the Xbox Series X, and how Halo Infinite's planned public beta testing may not end up happening.
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Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to
Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN who really hopes 343 brings back the Hunt The Truth podcast for Halo Infinite. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.