Monthly Archives: March 2020
Batman v Superman Fans Celebrate 4th Anniversary With Favorite Stills
AMC Theaters Furloughs Employees and CEO Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
James Gunn Resorts to Using His Prank Michael Rooker Toilet Paper

Director David Fincher Surprises Film Students With Remote Masterclass
UK film school students happily tweeted about the surprise despite all the chaos currently going on. Student Ryan Ninesling wrote, "everything is terrible but at least we got to hangout on zoom with the one and only David Fincher today!" Elle Haywood also tweeted, "Every afternoon should be spent hanging out with David Fincher". Fincher is currently working on the Netflix original, Mank, about the making of Citizen Kane, revolving around screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=every-delayed-movie-due-to-coronavirus-so-far&captions=true"] The movie industry has had a rough time recently with COVID-19 as movies have been delayed such as Black Widow, The Batman, and A Quiet Place Part II. While theaters chains like Regal Cinemas and AMC Theaters in the U.S. are closed temporarily, Chinese theaters are starting to reopen. Keep safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and understand how to stay healthy with these CDC guidelines. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Jeffrey Lerman is a Freelance News Writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @Snakester95.It’s been a tough week so we wanted to do something to lift the spirits of @NFTSFilmTV students. So this afternoon 450 x students sat down for a masterclass via @zoom_us with THE David Fincher. Thx @nevpierce & @VenetiaHawkes for helping me set it up. David is a legend.
— Jon Wardle (@jonwardle) March 24, 2020
Netflix Orders Angry Birds: Summer Madness Animated Series
Cyberpunk 2077’s Updated Female Protagonist Is Now an Incredible Figurine
Sega Celebrates 60th Anniversary With New Timeline Website
Former Marvel Writer Throws Shade at Publisher for ‘Mandated Inhumans Story’
Remender writes, "Just found my entire 2 year X-bible plans from when I was going to take over the X books. Haven't opened it since I quit in 2014. Was very Fantomex, Jean, and Professor X-orn centric. Big bad was Mastermind. Just couldn't make myself do the mandated Inhumans story. c'est la vie." [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-top-25-marvel-villains &captions=true"] Remender's tweet is a rare, open acknowledgement of creative tensions behind the scenes as Marvel worked to elevate the Inhumans franchise in the wake of 2013's Infinity, a story which culminated with the creation of a Terrigen cloud that simultaneously created new Inhumans and poisoned mutants, radically altering the course of both franchises. That story eventually led to 2017's Inhumans vs. X-Men crossover. Understandably, Marvel has never outright admitted to downplaying the X-Men in favor of the Inhumans, but it's been widely assumed the company was prioritizing a franchise to which it fully owned the multimedia rights, as opposed to one whose rights were still in the hands of 21st Century Fox at the time. Marvel's Executive Editor Tom Brevoort effectively said as much when he wrote in 2014, "If you had two things, and on one you earned 100% of the revenues from the efforts that you put into making it, and the other you earned a much smaller percentage for the same amount of time and effort, you’d be more likely to concentrate more heavily on the first, wouldn’t you?" Coupled with an established pattern of Marvel downplaying the X-Men and Fantastic Four in its merchandising, many readers were unhappy with the way the X-Men seemed to be sidelined in favor of the Inhumans. Remender's tweet suggests at least some Marvel creators felt the same way. [ignvideo url=""] Remender also revealed he was again offered the keys to the X-Men kingdom as recently as 2019, indicating Marvel may have been exploring other options besides Jonathan Hickman's Dawn of X relaunch. But Remender reiterated his disinterest in returning to Marvel, tweeting, "Was offered the X books again last year but declined. Don't imagine there's a world where I'll put myself through that again." Remender's Twitter feed is currently a treasure trove of concept art and other unused story pitches. He also posted a rejected pitch for a Spider-Man story called Pandora's Box, which would have dealt with a new group of insect-themed villains created through the same process that gave Peter Parker his powers. Remender even revealed he and American Vampire artist Rafael Albuquerque once pitched a DC series called Justice League of Tomorrow, built around a futuristic team that includes Superman, Sandman, Firestorm, Poison Ivy, Negative Man, Hawkgirl, Captain Blackhawk and the Atom. [caption id="attachment_2325695" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Just found my entire 2 year X-bible plans from when I was going to take over the X books. Haven't opened it since I quit in 2014. Was very Fantomex, Jean, and Professor X-orn centric. Big bad was Mastermind. Just couldn't make myself do the mandated Inhumans story. c'est la vie
— Rick Remender (@Remender) March 24, 2020

Doctor Who: The Doctor Herself Offers Coronavirus Advice
"One: Remember, you will get through this and things will be alright, even if they look uncertain. Even if you're worried, darkness never prevails," she reassures viewers. "Two: Tell jokes - even bad ones. Especially bad ones. I am brilliant at bad ones. Three: Be kind. Even kinder than you were yesterday. And I know you were super kind yesterday. "Look out for each other. You won't be the only one worried. Talking will help, sharing will help. Look out for your friends, your neighbours, people you hardly know. And family. Because in the end we're all family. Four: Listen to science. And listen to doctors, right? They've got your back. Five: Stay strong, stay positive. You've got this. And I will see you very soon." [ignvideo url=""] This special message comes as more cities join the USA in following the lead of many in Europe with mandatory lockdowns. San Francisco and Los Angeles, California both announced lockdowns that include mandatory work-from-home policies and shutting down high-risk gathering spaces. Doctor Who costume designer Ray Holman tweeted shortly after the video was posted online to confirm that Whittaker had access to her costume at home "for personal appearances or publicity purposes," as he assured fans that the clip was recorded "in isolation" and had been organised by the actress, showrunner Chris Chibnall and executive producer Matt Strevens. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-25-most-essential-doctor-who-episodes&captions=true"] Doctor Who Season 12 premiered in January of this year and concluded in the opening days of March with the history-shattering season finale, "The Timeless Children." According to reports, Season 13 is planned to start filming in September, though this date could yet change in light of ongoing developments resulting from the coronavirus outbreak. For a list of recommendations on how best to help, and stay safe, during the Coronavirus pandemic, please read our resource guide. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Adele Ankers is a Freelance Entertainment Journalist. You can reach her on Twitter.Incoming transmission. #MessageFromTheDoctor #DoctorWho
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) March 25, 2020