Monthly Archives: February 2020
How Is Han Alive in Fast and Furious 9?
So here's what all went down. Tokyo Drift -- after Vin Diesel had bowed out of 2 Fast 2 Furious, and both Diesel and Paul Walker nixed a third installment -- took us over to Japan where we followed Lucas Black's Sean as he made a fool of himself on the drift racing scene. Overseas, Sean met honorable thief Han (who, through humorous happenstance, might be the same "Han" Sung Kang played in Justin Lin's 2002's crime drama Better Luck Tomorrow). During a chase scene through the streets of Tokyo, Han wrecked his 1997 Mazda RX-7 and died in a fiery explosion. As a way to connect Tokyo Drift more directly to the two previous films however, Universal brought Diesel in for a cameo right at the end (Diesel did this in exchange for getting the rights to do one more Riddick movie) and in that scene it was revealed that Diesel's Dom Toretto had been good friends with Han before his death. Then, in one of the most major instances of the Fast franchise being glorious Retcon Royalty, it was decided that the fourth, fifth, and sixth Fast and Furious films -- Fast & Furious, Fast Five, and Fast & Furious 6 -- would take place before Tokyo Drift. With this move, Han could be a part of Dom's crew. This made Han, who was the most enjoyable part of Tokyo Drift (and to many, the only thing worth salvaging from that story), a full member of the franchise while also oddly placing Tokyo Drift as the movie that takes place last (until the story eventually caught up to it with Han's death in the tag at the end of 6). A set of character posters for the F9 cast was revealed a few days ago when the trailer was first teased, and now a new poster featuring Han has been added: [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=f9-character-posters&captions=true"] Han then becam a full (past tense) member of Dom's crew, where he fell in love with Gal Gadot's Gisele, who made her first appearance in Fast & Furious (the fourth film). The two became a fan favorite pairing and in Fast & Furious 6 they were both considering leaving the criminal world behind for a shot at a peaceful life together. But when she died at the end of that film (Or did she? SHE ONLY FELL 20 FEET! JUSTICE FOR GISELE!), Han sadly and solemnly returned to Japan...where he then met Sean and wound up dead himself. And in a huge retcon twist, the end of Fast & Furious 6 introduced Jason Statham's Deckard Shaw (brother of the sixth installment's villainous Owen Shaw, played by Luke Evans) and revealed that HE was the one who killed Han. Yes, Deckard was driving a car that rammed into Han's Mazda - as revenge against Dom for capturing, and injuring, Owen. With this move, which set up Statham's Deckard Shaw as Furious 7's Big Bad, the franchise's timeline caught up to Tokyo Drift (which, again, had served as the narrative's furthest future point for six movies) and was proceeding forward in the true "present." [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=every-major-fast-and-furious-character&captions=true"]JUSTICE FOR HAN ... AND THE REDEMPTION OF SHAW
Despite the fact that Sung Kang seemed to be just fine bowing out of the franchise at the end of Fast & Furious 6 (see below), fans had a small #JusticeforHan movement going for years. At first because it seemed like a great character had died unceremoniously in service of a much lesser character (Tokyo Drift's Sean) and then because it was revealed he'd been done in by a villain, Deckard Shaw, that the saga quickly sought to redeem and turn into a good guy.After Deckard was the main adversary in Furious 7, he lived to become an uneasy ally in The Fate of the Furious (F8) - and was even forgiven by Diesel's Dom at the end of the film. That's right. Dom, Han's best friend in the world, was now totally cool with the dude who murdered Han. The #JusticeforHan hashtag movement was at a fever pitch. Deckard was now getting spun off into his own side franchise, with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Fast and Furious character, Luke Hobbs (who joined the series in Fast Five), and it became super important for the story to find way to basically erase all the awful things Deckard had done in the sixth and seventh movie. In Hobbs & Shaw, they dug into Deckard's past and basically told us that everything we'd learned about him was a lie. He hadn't turned on his own men while part of British special ops. He'd been the one who was turned on. He was a decorated soldier who'd been framed. He wasn't a nasty villain after all. But guess what? This m-effer still killed Han. Hobbs and Shaw could tweak Deckard's dossier all it wanted to, but it couldn't change the ending of Fast & Furious 6. And nothing in F8 or Hobbs and Shaw (even Deckard's fight scene on a plane while holding a baby) could explain why Dom would forgive Deckard. [ignvideo url=""] Justin Lin, who's now returned to the Fast franchise after directing four films in a row, Tokyo Drift through Fast and Furious 6 (James Wan and F. Gary Grey took the reins for Furious 7 and F8), has now officially brought Han back - the character he created for Tokyo Drift (or maybe Better Luck Tomorrow) and then curated and cared for over the next three films. Talking to EW, Lin said: "When I left after Fast 6, I really thought that was it, like, there’s no more Fast stories I can tell. From then on, I would travel and just meet people and fans of the franchise, and they would tell me why they love the franchise so much and just share their stories. Then two years ago, I woke up with an idea for the new chapter." "Along the way," Lin added, "I hadn’t seen the other two movies, and I was at a Q&A for Better Luck Tomorrow and someone brought up 'Justice for Han,' and so all these things were kind of working together." "Obviously, I have a very personal connection to the [Han] character," Lin explained. "To be able to go through that journey with Han...when I left, I felt it was appropriate and I felt like we were putting the character to bed, but it’s because of some of the things that happened that didn’t quite make sense to me, and so I felt like if I was going to come back, I really wanted to explore why. I think it’s really up to us to bring him back and explore it throughout the themes that we’re all used to." Now that Han is Deckard Shaw finally, fully, redeemed?Sung Kang was a lot less excited about seeing Han return seven years ago.
— Silas Lesnick (@silaslesnick) January 31, 2020
Han's alive? How is this possible? Look, we're now at a point in the Fast franchise where Han's return is an easy-peasy explanation. It would be one of the least crazy things this series has done. Even Michelle Rodriguez's Letty was once killed off and brought back! All they had to do was go back and show us that she'd been pulled from the wreck we thought she'd died in. The same could happen here, obviously. It could be as simple as showing us Han crawl out of the overturned Mazda before it blows up. Or some new character rescuing him from it. Maybe it was John Cena's Jakob Toretto, Dom's young brother (as revealed in the new trailer)? [ignvideo url=""] Or...and this was a theory that popped up after last summer's spinoff, Hobbs and Shaw...what if Han is now part machine? Yes, folks, there was a strong #CyborgHan movement after it was revealed in Hobbs and Shaw that the organization Eteon exists. Eteon -- run by a mystery character who has some connection to Luke Hobbs (his dad?) -- is a terrorist group specializes in "transhumanism." It's soldiers are enhanced and improved with cybernetic and mechanical implants. Could Han's return tie into Eteon? Is Han back as a result of robotic design? Yes, it would mean the core Fast saga would be dabbling in the side story set-up in Hobbs and Shaw, but it could happen! What are your theories on how Han is back and what this mean for Shaw? Let us know in the comments! [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association. Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at Is Han Alive in Fast and Furious 9?
So here's what all went down. Tokyo Drift -- after Vin Diesel had bowed out of 2 Fast 2 Furious, and both Diesel and Paul Walker nixed a third installment -- took us over to Japan where we followed Lucas Black's Sean as he made a fool of himself on the drift racing scene. Overseas, Sean met honorable thief Han (who, through humorous happenstance, might be the same "Han" Sung Kang played in Justin Lin's 2002's crime drama Better Luck Tomorrow). During a chase scene through the streets of Tokyo, Han wrecked his 1997 Mazda RX-7 and died in a fiery explosion. As a way to connect Tokyo Drift more directly to the two previous films however, Universal brought Diesel in for a cameo right at the end (Diesel did this in exchange for getting the rights to do one more Riddick movie) and in that scene it was revealed that Diesel's Dom Toretto had been good friends with Han before his death. Then, in one of the most major instances of the Fast franchise being glorious Retcon Royalty, it was decided that the fourth, fifth, and sixth Fast and Furious films -- Fast & Furious, Fast Five, and Fast & Furious 6 -- would take place before Tokyo Drift. With this move, Han could be a part of Dom's crew. This made Han, who was the most enjoyable part of Tokyo Drift (and to many, the only thing worth salvaging from that story), a full member of the franchise while also oddly placing Tokyo Drift as the movie that takes place last (until the story eventually caught up to it with Han's death in the tag at the end of 6). A set of character posters for the F9 cast was revealed a few days ago when the trailer was first teased, and now a new poster featuring Han has been added: [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=f9-character-posters&captions=true"] Han then becam a full (past tense) member of Dom's crew, where he fell in love with Gal Gadot's Gisele, who made her first appearance in Fast & Furious (the fourth film). The two became a fan favorite pairing and in Fast & Furious 6 they were both considering leaving the criminal world behind for a shot at a peaceful life together. But when she died at the end of that film (Or did she? SHE ONLY FELL 20 FEET! JUSTICE FOR GISELE!), Han sadly and solemnly returned to Japan...where he then met Sean and wound up dead himself. And in a huge retcon twist, the end of Fast & Furious 6 introduced Jason Statham's Deckard Shaw (brother of the sixth installment's villainous Owen Shaw, played by Luke Evans) and revealed that HE was the one who killed Han. Yes, Deckard was driving a car that rammed into Han's Mazda - as revenge against Dom for capturing, and injuring, Owen. With this move, which set up Statham's Deckard Shaw as Furious 7's Big Bad, the franchise's timeline caught up to Tokyo Drift (which, again, had served as the narrative's furthest future point for six movies) and was proceeding forward in the true "present." [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=every-major-fast-and-furious-character&captions=true"]JUSTICE FOR HAN ... AND THE REDEMPTION OF SHAW
Despite the fact that Sung Kang seemed to be just fine bowing out of the franchise at the end of Fast & Furious 6 (see below), fans had a small #JusticeforHan movement going for years. At first because it seemed like a great character had died unceremoniously in service of a much lesser character (Tokyo Drift's Sean) and then because it was revealed he'd been done in by a villain, Deckard Shaw, that the saga quickly sought to redeem and turn into a good guy.After Deckard was the main adversary in Furious 7, he lived to become an uneasy ally in The Fate of the Furious (F8) - and was even forgiven by Diesel's Dom at the end of the film. That's right. Dom, Han's best friend in the world, was now totally cool with the dude who murdered Han. The #JusticeforHan hashtag movement was at a fever pitch. Deckard was now getting spun off into his own side franchise, with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Fast and Furious character, Luke Hobbs (who joined the series in Fast Five), and it became super important for the story to find way to basically erase all the awful things Deckard had done in the sixth and seventh movie. In Hobbs & Shaw, they dug into Deckard's past and basically told us that everything we'd learned about him was a lie. He hadn't turned on his own men while part of British special ops. He'd been the one who was turned on. He was a decorated soldier who'd been framed. He wasn't a nasty villain after all. But guess what? This m-effer still killed Han. Hobbs and Shaw could tweak Deckard's dossier all it wanted to, but it couldn't change the ending of Fast & Furious 6. And nothing in F8 or Hobbs and Shaw (even Deckard's fight scene on a plane while holding a baby) could explain why Dom would forgive Deckard. [ignvideo url=""] Justin Lin, who's now returned to the Fast franchise after directing four films in a row, Tokyo Drift through Fast and Furious 6 (James Wan and F. Gary Grey took the reins for Furious 7 and F8), has now officially brought Han back - the character he created for Tokyo Drift (or maybe Better Luck Tomorrow) and then curated and cared for over the next three films. Talking to EW, Lin said: "When I left after Fast 6, I really thought that was it, like, there’s no more Fast stories I can tell. From then on, I would travel and just meet people and fans of the franchise, and they would tell me why they love the franchise so much and just share their stories. Then two years ago, I woke up with an idea for the new chapter." "Along the way," Lin added, "I hadn’t seen the other two movies, and I was at a Q&A for Better Luck Tomorrow and someone brought up 'Justice for Han,' and so all these things were kind of working together." "Obviously, I have a very personal connection to the [Han] character," Lin explained. "To be able to go through that journey with Han...when I left, I felt it was appropriate and I felt like we were putting the character to bed, but it’s because of some of the things that happened that didn’t quite make sense to me, and so I felt like if I was going to come back, I really wanted to explore why. I think it’s really up to us to bring him back and explore it throughout the themes that we’re all used to." Now that Han is Deckard Shaw finally, fully, redeemed?Sung Kang was a lot less excited about seeing Han return seven years ago.
— Silas Lesnick (@silaslesnick) January 31, 2020
Han's alive? How is this possible? Look, we're now at a point in the Fast franchise where Han's return is an easy-peasy explanation. It would be one of the least crazy things this series has done. Even Michelle Rodriguez's Letty was once killed off and brought back! All they had to do was go back and show us that she'd been pulled from the wreck we thought she'd died in. The same could happen here, obviously. It could be as simple as showing us Han crawl out of the overturned Mazda before it blows up. Or some new character rescuing him from it. Maybe it was John Cena's Jakob Toretto, Dom's young brother (as revealed in the new trailer)? [ignvideo url=""] Or...and this was a theory that popped up after last summer's spinoff, Hobbs and Shaw...what if Han is now part machine? Yes, folks, there was a strong #CyborgHan movement after it was revealed in Hobbs and Shaw that the organization Eteon exists. Eteon -- run by a mystery character who has some connection to Luke Hobbs (his dad?) -- is a terrorist group specializes in "transhumanism." It's soldiers are enhanced and improved with cybernetic and mechanical implants. Could Han's return tie into Eteon? Is Han back as a result of robotic design? Yes, it would mean the core Fast saga would be dabbling in the side story set-up in Hobbs and Shaw, but it could happen! What are your theories on how Han is back and what this mean for Shaw? Let us know in the comments! [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association. Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at Locke and Key’s First 10 Minutes By Watching IGN’s Premiere Fan Event
- Option 1: Leave a comment addressed to a specific actor or member of the creative team in the comments section of this article up through February 4th at 11:59 p.m. PT.
- Option 2: Take part in our live chat on on our homepage during the live stream. The pre-show kicks off on February 5th at 6 p.m. PT, and the live show begins at 6:30 p.m. Our producer Nick Limon will be in the chat curating the best questions for hosts Terri Schwartz and Joshua Yehl to ask live on the air.
- Carlton Cuse - Showrunner/EP
- Meredith Averill - Showrunner/EP
- Joe Hill - EP/Locke & Key Co-Creator
- Gabriel Rodriguez - Locke & Key Co-Creator and Illustrator
- Connor Jessup - "Tyler Locke"
- Emilia Jones - "Kinsey Locke"
- Jackson Robert Scott - "Bode Locke"
- Darby Stanchfield - "Nina Locke"
- Bill Heck - "Rendell Locke"
- Laysla De Oliveira - "Dodge"
- Thomas Mitchell Barnet - "Sam"
- Sherri Saum - "Ellie Whedon"
- Coby Bird - "Rufus Whedon"
- Steven Williams - "Joe Ridgeway"
- Petrice Jones - "Scot"
- Asha Bromfield - "Zadie"
- Jesse Camacho - "Doug"
- Griffin Gluck - "Gabe"
- Hallea Jones - "Eden"
- Genevieve Kang - "Jackie"
- Kevin Alves - "Javi"
- Felix Mallard - "Lucas"
Unlock Locke and Key’s First 10 Minutes By Watching IGN’s Premiere Fan Event
- Option 1: Leave a comment addressed to a specific actor or member of the creative team in the comments section of this article up through February 4th at 11:59 p.m. PT.
- Option 2: Take part in our live chat on on our homepage during the live stream. The pre-show kicks off on February 5th at 6 p.m. PT, and the live show begins at 6:30 p.m. Our producer Nick Limon will be in the chat curating the best questions for hosts Terri Schwartz and Joshua Yehl to ask live on the air.
- Carlton Cuse - Showrunner/EP
- Meredith Averill - Showrunner/EP
- Joe Hill - EP/Locke & Key Co-Creator
- Gabriel Rodriguez - Locke & Key Co-Creator and Illustrator
- Connor Jessup - "Tyler Locke"
- Emilia Jones - "Kinsey Locke"
- Jackson Robert Scott - "Bode Locke"
- Darby Stanchfield - "Nina Locke"
- Bill Heck - "Rendell Locke"
- Laysla De Oliveira - "Dodge"
- Thomas Mitchell Barnet - "Sam"
- Sherri Saum - "Ellie Whedon"
- Coby Bird - "Rufus Whedon"
- Steven Williams - "Joe Ridgeway"
- Petrice Jones - "Scot"
- Asha Bromfield - "Zadie"
- Jesse Camacho - "Doug"
- Griffin Gluck - "Gabe"
- Hallea Jones - "Eden"
- Genevieve Kang - "Jackie"
- Kevin Alves - "Javi"
- Felix Mallard - "Lucas"
Mission Impossible: Henry Czerny Returning as Kittridge for Next Two Films
That's a picture of Henry Czerny as Kittridge from the first film - the franchise's first director of the Impossible Mission Force and the voice behind the Ethan's "this message will self-destruct" orders. With the image is the hashtag #MI7MI8, indicating that Kittridge will be part of both films! Kittridge served as a big obstacle for Ethan in the first movie as he believed Ethan was the mole behind the sabotage of his own team. The two of them met face to face in a restaurant and when Ethan realized he was about to be apprehended, he blew up a giant fish tank to escape. Visual effects supervisor of the Mission Impossible films, Todd Vaziri, posted this as well...There is no escaping the past...#MI7MI8
— Christopher McQuarrie (@chrismcquarrie) February 1, 2020
Genre fans will have most likely seen Henry Czerny recently in 2019's Ready or Not where he played the cultist patriarch of a tabletop gaming dynasty who attempts, with the rest of his family, to kill his son's new bride. He was also in HBO's 2018 miniseries Sharp Objects, starring Amy Adams. Czerny joins the already cast additions of the MCU's Hayley Atwell and Pom Klementieff, along with Joker's Shea Whigham and the X-Men saga's Nicholas Hoult. Mission: Impossible 7 is slated for release on July 23, 2021, while Mission: Impossible 8 is set for release on August 5, 2022. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-best-movies-you-probably-didnt-see-in-2019&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association. Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at ALERT
— Todd Vaziri (@tvaziri) February 1, 2020
Mission Impossible: Henry Czerny Returning as Kittridge for Next Two Films
That's a picture of Henry Czerny as Kittridge from the first film - the franchise's first director of the Impossible Mission Force and the voice behind the Ethan's "this message will self-destruct" orders. With the image is the hashtag #MI7MI8, indicating that Kittridge will be part of both films! Kittridge served as a big obstacle for Ethan in the first movie as he believed Ethan was the mole behind the sabotage of his own team. The two of them met face to face in a restaurant and when Ethan realized he was about to be apprehended, he blew up a giant fish tank to escape. Visual effects supervisor of the Mission Impossible films, Todd Vaziri, posted this as well...There is no escaping the past...#MI7MI8
— Christopher McQuarrie (@chrismcquarrie) February 1, 2020
Genre fans will have most likely seen Henry Czerny recently in 2019's Ready or Not where he played the cultist patriarch of a tabletop gaming dynasty who attempts, with the rest of his family, to kill his son's new bride. He was also in HBO's 2018 miniseries Sharp Objects, starring Amy Adams. Czerny joins the already cast additions of the MCU's Hayley Atwell and Pom Klementieff, along with Joker's Shea Whigham and the X-Men saga's Nicholas Hoult. Mission: Impossible 7 is slated for release on July 23, 2021, while Mission: Impossible 8 is set for release on August 5, 2022. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-best-movies-you-probably-didnt-see-in-2019&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Matt Fowler is a writer for IGN and a member of the Television Critics Association. Follow him on Twitter at @TheMattFowler and Facebook at ALERT
— Todd Vaziri (@tvaziri) February 1, 2020
Report: Platinum May Be Announcing a Kickstarter for The Wonderful 101 on Switch and PS4

Report: Platinum May Be Announcing a Kickstarter for The Wonderful 101 on Switch and PS4

Alan Harris, the Actor Behind Star Wars Bounty Hunter Bossk, Has Died
Alan Harris, the actor responsible for multiple minor (but no less significant) Star Wars roles, including the lizard-headed bounty hunter Bossk in The Empire Strikes Back, has died.
SYFY Wire obtained a comment from Harris’ appearance manager, stating that the actor had been dealing with undisclosed health problems but “loved and lived every moment to the fullest.”

Cathy Munroe, who similarly played the bounty hunter Zuckuss in Empire Strikes Back, issued a statement, saying Harris was “an incredible courageous man" whose "legacy will live on and he will always be fondly remembered."
Harris is most widely known for playing Bossk, the Trandoshan bounty hunter who joined Boba Fett and several others (including the robotic IG-88) in the hunt for Han Solo. That was far from Harris’ only Star Wars role, though. According to the actor’s IMDB page, the man also portrayed a member of Leia’s Rebel escort, as well as a Bespin security guard who can be briefly seen helping transport a frozen Han Solo. He also played an uncredited role as a stormtrooper in Return of the Jedi. Harris also doubled for Anthony Daniels as C-3PO. All this would make him one of the few actors outside of the core cast to appear in all three of the original trilogy movies.
[caption id="attachment_2296300" align="alignnone" width="432"]
Harris also got to play the role of a vervoid, a plant-like humanoid alien, over the course of several Doctor Who episodes. When the Star Wars prequel trilogy finally rolled around, Harris returned to double as the actor Terence Stamp, who played Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum.
Though his acting career mainly comprised of playing an extra, Harris managed to do it in some of the biggest franchises and films in Hollywood. His IMDB page also lists minor credits for Flash Gordon, The Shining, Superman, and A Clockwork Orange.
[widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=top-10-best-star-wars-movie-moments&captions=true"]Harris spent much of his retirement on the convention circuit, where he proved popular among diehard Star Wars fans, sharing stories of his time on Empire Strikes Back.
Original Boba Fett actor Jeremy Bulloch shared a statement on Facebook reflecting on his friendship with Harris, according to the Boba Fett Fan Club Twitter page.
“We were so sorry to hear about Alan Harris - he was one of the nicest guys we have met - and he was so modest and so very good with all the fans - he will be greatly missed,” a statement from Jeremy and wife Maureen Bulloch read.
Harris was 81 years old.
[widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=star-wars-40-pieces-of-obscure-trivia&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Joseph Knoop is a writer/producer for IGN.Alan Harris, the Actor Behind Star Wars Bounty Hunter Bossk, Has Died
Alan Harris, the actor responsible for multiple minor (but no less significant) Star Wars roles, including the lizard-headed bounty hunter Bossk in The Empire Strikes Back, has died.
SYFY Wire obtained a comment from Harris’ appearance manager, stating that the actor had been dealing with undisclosed health problems but “loved and lived every moment to the fullest.”

Cathy Munroe, who similarly played the bounty hunter Zuckuss in Empire Strikes Back, issued a statement, saying Harris was “an incredible courageous man" whose "legacy will live on and he will always be fondly remembered."
Harris is most widely known for playing Bossk, the Trandoshan bounty hunter who joined Boba Fett and several others (including the robotic IG-88) in the hunt for Han Solo. That was far from Harris’ only Star Wars role, though. According to the actor’s IMDB page, the man also portrayed a member of Leia’s Rebel escort, as well as a Bespin security guard who can be briefly seen helping transport a frozen Han Solo. He also played an uncredited role as a stormtrooper in Return of the Jedi. Harris also doubled for Anthony Daniels as C-3PO. All this would make him one of the few actors outside of the core cast to appear in all three of the original trilogy movies.
[caption id="attachment_2296300" align="alignnone" width="432"]
Harris also got to play the role of a vervoid, a plant-like humanoid alien, over the course of several Doctor Who episodes. When the Star Wars prequel trilogy finally rolled around, Harris returned to double as the actor Terence Stamp, who played Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum.
Though his acting career mainly comprised of playing an extra, Harris managed to do it in some of the biggest franchises and films in Hollywood. His IMDB page also lists minor credits for Flash Gordon, The Shining, Superman, and A Clockwork Orange.
[widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=top-10-best-star-wars-movie-moments&captions=true"]Harris spent much of his retirement on the convention circuit, where he proved popular among diehard Star Wars fans, sharing stories of his time on Empire Strikes Back.
Original Boba Fett actor Jeremy Bulloch shared a statement on Facebook reflecting on his friendship with Harris, according to the Boba Fett Fan Club Twitter page.
“We were so sorry to hear about Alan Harris - he was one of the nicest guys we have met - and he was so modest and so very good with all the fans - he will be greatly missed,” a statement from Jeremy and wife Maureen Bulloch read.
Harris was 81 years old.
[widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=star-wars-40-pieces-of-obscure-trivia&captions=true"] [poilib element="accentDivider"] Joseph Knoop is a writer/producer for IGN.