Monthly Archives: February 2020
Planet of the Apes Director Says Next Movie Is Not a Reboot
The director of the next Planet of the Apes movie has shot down a rumor that claimed he's developing another reboot.
Wes Ball confirmed that the new movie will be a sequel to 2017's War for the Planet of the Apes on his Twitter page. Unfortunately, he didn't drop any other details on what will be the 10th Planet of the Apes movie.
"It’s never been easier for film journalists to actually get in touch with the actual people who actually know... but maybe it’s the point to NOT fact-check these days?" Ball said in a reply to another Twitter user. "Regardless. Don’t worry. I won’t ruin the surprises, but it’s safe to say Caesar’s legacy will continue..."
[widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=planet-of-the-apes-visionaries-the-rod-serling-apes-movie-that-couldve-been&captions=true"] It was first rumored in December that Ball would be directing a new Planet of the Apes movie. The filmmaker confirmed that news on his Twitter that same day and said, "I would only do this if I felt I could offer something special while still honoring what’s come before." Ever since the last movie was released in 2017, there's been a cinematic adventure game, "an often infuriating VR game," and a graphic novel based on various Rod Serling screenplay drafts of the original movie. [ignvideo url=""] In our review of the last Planet of the Apes movie, we said the film capped what is "perhaps the best big-budget trilogy we’ve gotten in some time." [poilib element="accentDivider"] Petey Oneto is a freelance writer for IGN who will be in a theater on opening day for Planet of the Apes 10.It’s never been easier for film journalists to actually get in touch with the actual people who actually know... but maybe it’s the point to NOT fact-check these days?
Regardless. Don’t worry. I won’t ruin the surprises, but it’s safe to say Caesar’s legacy will continue... — Wes Ball (@wesball) February 17, 2020
MIT Engineers Create Method to Deflect Earth-Threatening Asteroids
MIT engineers have devised a framework that will help decide what type of mission would be the most successful to deflect Earth-threatening asteroids.
As reported by SciTechDaily, this new decision method "takes into account an asteroid’s mass and momentum, its proximity to a gravitational keyhole, [the small window in which a planet's gravity could alter an orbit of an asteroid to cause it to collide with the planet on a future orbital pass,] and the amount of warning time that scientists have of an impending collision — all of which have degrees of uncertainty, which the researchers also factor in to identify the most successful mission for a given asteroid."
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These researchers applied this new method to Apophis and Bennu, near-Earth asteroids that are the target of OSIRIS-REx, an operational NASA mission that is attempting to return a sample of Bennu's surface to earth by 2023.
"People have mostly considered strategies of last-minute deflection, when the asteroid has already passed through a keyhole and is heading toward a collision with Earth,” says Sung Wook Paek, lead author of the study and a former graduate student in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. “I’m interested in preventing keyhole passage well before Earth impact. It’s like a preemptive strike, with less mess.”
in 2007, NASA stated the most effective way to deflect an asteroid would be to launch a nuclear bomb into space, which would knock the asteroid in question off its deadly path. However, Earth would then have to deal with any nuclear fallout from the bomb.
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The second best option was a "kinetic impactor," which is a "spacecraft, rocket, or other projectile that, if aimed at just the right direction, with adequate speed, should collide with the asteroid, transfer some fraction of its momentum, and veer it off course."
The problem with the kinetic impactor solution is that "properties of the asteroid, such as its mass, momentum, trajectory, and surface composition must be known 'as precisely as possible.'"
These new mission possibilities include a basic kinetic impactor to deflect the asteroid off-course, sending a scout first to measure the asteroid before building a projectile to hit it away, and sending two scouts - one to measure and one to hit it slightly off its path before a larger projectile is launched.
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For Apophis and Bennu, such things were measured as the distances between each asteroid and their respective gravitational keyhole, as well as the "safe harbor" region, the time when the asteroid would need to be deflected to avoid disaster.
For Apophis, if it will pass through a keyhole in five years or more, there would be enough time for the two scout plan. If the keyhole passage would be two to five years, the one scout plan may be the best option. However, if it passes through its keyhole in one year or less, it may be too late according to the researchers.
This breakthrough would put at ease many, especially from scares like the "potentially hazardous" asteroid that was approaching Earth, even though it was around 3.6 million miles away.
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Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to
Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN who can't wait and is so excited he just can't hide it. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.
Burnout Spiritual Successor Dangerous Driving Getting a Sequel in 2020
Not even a year after the Burnout spiritual successor, Dangerous Driving, was released, Three Fields Entertainment has announced the sequel Dangerous Driving 2 will release on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch sometime during 2020's holiday season.
It boasts an open world where players can choose between racing against AI's in preset races or by just driving around and seeing what kind of mayhem they can get into. Dangerous Driving 2 will also let players go it alone in solo mode, or play with others with both split-screen and online multiplayer.
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In a statement from Alex Ward, Founder and Creative Director of Three Fields Entertainment. he said the team was "...addressing the areas we weren’t happy with in the last game,” which we thought did a good job of reviving Burnout.
Anyone attending PAX East can go hands on with the game and get a first look at it running on the Switch. For the rest of us, we'll have to wait to find out the full rating and release date.
[poilib element="accentDivider"]Hope Corrigan is an Australian freelance writer for IGN. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy Reveals New Season 2 Posters
Netflix is teasing The Umbrella Academy Season 2 with six new character posters.
The character posters shown in the gallery below, focus in on each character's eyes with a different color unique to them. Netflix captioned their first tweet before each of the six posters as, "This time travel thing? It gets messy. The cast of Umbrella Academy is back for Season 2!"
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As The Umbrella Academy Season 1 released on February 15, 2019, it's seemingly only a matter of time until a release date is announced. Filming for Season 2 wrapped sometime in November 2019 as actors Justin H. Min and David Castañeda posted on Instagram about it. Min posted on November 23, 2019,
"And just like that, Ben and I are headed home. A huge thank you to our cast and crew, who've become a second family to me the last six months; I’ll miss seeing your beautiful faces everyday. And Toronto, I fall more in love with you every year — especially when I can run away right before winter gets bad. I can't wait for you guys to see what we’ve been working on. Season 2 is gonna be wild."
In December 2019, Netflix showcased its top ten most popular 2019 releases with The Umbrella Academy making the list. Alongside other shows like Stranger Things and The Witcher, Netflix marked The Umbrella Academy ninth in the United States.
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Let us know if you're excited for The Umbrella Academy Season 2 in the comments below. For more information, read our in-detail explanation about the show, and how it was seen by over 45 million people.
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Jeffrey Lerman is a Freelance News Writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @Snakester95.
Ninja’s ‘It’s Just a Game’ Comment Sparks Heated Debate
Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, one of the most prominent Fortnite streamers and professional eSports players, made comments on social media about the competitive nature of professional gaming. His opinions quickly sparked heated debates across the Internet on how seriously games should be taken.
Ninja tweeted yesterday afternoon, saying that having an "it’s just a game" mindset towards competitive gaming is weak and that players shouldn't settle for underperforming.
These comments follow a notable outburst from Ninja towards his squadmates earlier this month after he fell victim to four stream snipers. Once he saw a comment suggesting he shouldn't get upset when it's "just a game," Ninja had this to say:
“If anyone ever uses the excuse 'it’s just a game' I’m gonna lose my mind! Imagine telling Lebron James, Tom Brady, that when they're pissed off after losing a game that it’s just a game. Are you kidding me? You're so stupid. It's the competitive nature, bro. It’s about respect bro, it's about pride. It’s so much bigger than a f*cking video game. And anyone that ever uses the excuse 'it's just a game' is a horrible human being, and is lazy. You're a lazy human being.”

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It is notable that soon after, Ninja said on this same stream, "And everyone that thinks I'm being so serious right now, this is like 90% a joke, 10% serious." [ignvideo url=""]Facts though.
— BR1CK (@BR1CKmixer) February 18, 2020
Maybe It Really Is Just a Game?
Several people were quick to criticize Ninja for his comments on the "weak mindset" of thinking professional gamers are just playing a game. Some felt there were better ways to handle loss than resorting to anger, while others noted that most play games just for fun rather than competitively.

Competition Drives Greatness
Some reacted to Ninja's comments positively, noting his views line up with a healthy competitive drive, and that the "it's just a game" line really is just an excuse for failure.

Just Some Ninja Jokes
While there were plenty of serious reactions to Ninja's comments, there were also countless jokes poking fun at his apparent seriousness on the matter.

Tyler “Ninja” Blevins
Last year, Ninja revealed he was leaving Twitch to stream exclusively for Mixer after he became the first streamer to hit 10 million followers in 2018. Ninja received his own Fortnight skin last month, not long after he streamed Fortnight's The Rise of Skywalker update with Mark Hamill. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Colin Stevens is IGN's video game social coordinator. Follow him on Twitter.Why Is Wolverine Hunting Vampires?
As one of the oldest heroes in the Marvel Universe, Wolverine has an impressively long list of enemies. Now he can add another major Marvel villain to that list, as his newest ongoing series pits him against none other than Dracula, lord of vampires.
Read on to learn why Wolverine and Dracula have sparked a new rivalry, and why this iconic hero more closely connected to vampires than we ever realized. Beware of spoilers for Wolverine #1!
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Marvel's newest Wolverine series picks up during the new Dawn of X status quo, as the vast majority of the world's mutants now dwell on the island nation of Krakoa. But while Logan is content to share a home with major villains like Apocalypse, Mister Sinister and even Mystique, there's one enemy he refuses to accept as a brother and neighbor - Omega Red.
Not that he's given much choice in the matter. A badly wounded Omega Red appears seeking sanctuary on Krakoa. Despite Wolverine's protestations, Magneto obliges and orders Logan to seek out the mysterious enemy capable of cutting right through Omega Red's carbonadium armor. Wolverine's mission takes him to a bar in Paris, one he discovers too late is full of vampires. Fortunately, his Canadian bacon is saved by a mysterious vampire hunter named Louise.
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Art by Viktor Bogdonavic. (Image Credit: Marvel Comics)[/caption]
Wolverine and Louise team up and follow the vampires' trail into the Parisian catacombs. Wolverine is bitten repeatedly but manages to behead the group's leader. Fortunately, his healing factor renders him largely immune to vampire bites. He assumes his mission is a success, but Louise knows the true enemy is still out there.
As it turns out, Wolverine was the real target all along. Dracula ordered his minions to acquire samples of Logan's unique blood. Absorbing that blood gives Dracula a major power boost, enough to make him capable of walking in broad daylight. Even Omega Red was part of that plan - willing bait used to lure Wolverine out in the open. This issue ends as Dracula meets with Omega Red and bestows upon him the carbonadium synthesizer, a device needed to stabilize his body's immune system. In return, Omega Red is now Dracula's spy on Krakoa, promising a much bigger confrontation between mutants and vampires.
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Art by Viktor Bogdonavic. (Image Credit: Marvel Comics)[/caption]
As this issue reveals, Wolverine shares a much closer connection to vampires than anyone previously suspected. One of the supplemental pages describes vampires as "his closest cousin," pointing out that Logan's blood has similar healing properties but isn't vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation in the way vampire blood is. If Dracula's power boost is any indication, Wolverine may be the key to creating a new breed of mutant/vampire hybrid with none of the weaknesses of the latter.
This isn't the first time the X-Men have crossed paths with Dracula. Dracula once tried to claim Storm as his bride way back in 1982's Uncanny X-Men #159, while the miniseries X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula showed how these two villains have a rivalry dating back to Victorian times. Dracula even briefly fought alongside the X-Men in the 2010 crossover Curse of the Mutants, after his throne was usurped by his son Xarus. That story established Wolverine's immunity to vampire bites, though it also seems to have put his mutant healing factor on Dracula's radar.
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Let us know what you think of Wolverine's new role as a vampire hunter in the comments below. And for more on the current state of the X-Men franchise, find out how Marvel is using Free Comic Book Day to launch a major new X-Men story and see all of IGN's most anticipated comics for 2020.
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Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter.

Netflix in March: Castlevania Season 3, Altered Carbon Anime, and More
People say variety is the spice of life, and Netflix in March definitely has an eclectic slate of movies and TV shows for you to binge.
To kick things off, the streamer is releasing several high-profile original series, including Castlevania Season 3, Ozark's third season, the premiere of the Altered Carbon: Resleeved anime, and the premiere of Netflix's new teen fantasy series, The Letter for the King. Here's how the streamer describes the show:
"When a ruthless prince threatens to cast the world into darkness, a young knight in training named Tiuri (Amir Wilson) embarks on an epic quest to deliver a secret letter to the king. Along the way, he unexpectedly finds himself at the center of a magical prophecy foretelling the rise of a hero who can defeat the prince and restore peace. If he’s going to survive the journey, Tiuri will have to learn what it means to be a true knight — and a true leader."
On the movie front, you can watch The Shawshank Redemption, Space Jam, Hook, and Martin Scorsese's gangster classic, Goodfellas.
Check out the slideshow gallery below for a spotlight of some of the most notable March Netflix offerings, followed by the full list (U.S. Netflix only):
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Coming Soon in March (Exact Date TBD)
- ARASHI's Diary - Voyage (New Episodes) -- NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
- The English Game -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Avail. 3/1/20
- Go! Go! Cory Carson: Season 2 -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- Always a Bridesmaid
- Beyond the Mat
- Cop Out
- Corpse Bride
- Donnie Brasco
- Freedom Writers
- Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
- GoodFellas
- Haywire
- He's Just Not That Into You
- Hook
- Hugo
- Kung Fu Panda 2
- Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
- Life as We Know It
- Looney Tunes: Back in Action
- Outbreak
- Resident Evil: Apocalypse
- Resident Evil: Extinction
- Richie Rich
- Semi-Pro
- Sleepover
- Space Jam
- The Gift
- The Interview
- The Shawshank Redemption
- The Story of God with Morgan Freeman: S3
- There Will Be Blood
- Tootsie
- Valentine's Day
- Velvet Colección: Grand Finale
- ZZ Top: That Little Ol’ Band from Texas
Avail. 3/3/20
- Taylor Tomlinson: Quarter-Life Crisis -- NETFLIX COMEDY SPECIAL
Avail. 3/4/20
- Lil Peep: Everybody's Everything
Avail. 3/5/20
- Castlevania: Season 3 -- NETFLIX ANIME
- Mighty Little Bheem: Festival of Colors -- NETFLIX FAMILY
Avail. 3/6/20
- Guilty -- NETFLIX FILM
- I am Jonas -- NETFLIX FILM
- Paradise PD: Part 2 -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- The Protector: Season 3 -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Spenser Confidential -- NETFLIX FILM
- Twin Murders: The Silence of the White City -- NETFLIX FILM
- Ugly Delicious: Season 2 -- NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
Avail. 3/8/20
- Sitara: Let Girls Dream -- NETFLIX FILM
Avail. 3/10/20
- Carmen Sandiego: To Steal or Not to Steal -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- Marc Maron: End Times Fun -- NETFLIX COMEDY SPECIAL
Avail. 3/11/20
- The Circle Brazil -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Dirty Money: Season 2 -- NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
- Last Ferry
- On My Block: Season 3 -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Summer Night
Avail. 3/12/20
- Hospital Playlist -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Avail. 3/13/20
- 100 Humans -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Elite: Season 3 -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Go Karts -- NETFLIX FILM
- Kingdom: Season 2 -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Lost Girls -- NETFLIX FILM
- The Valhalla Murders -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Women of the Night -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Avail. 3/15/20
- Aftermath
Avail. 3/16/20
- The Boss Baby: Back in Business: Season 3 -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- Search Party
- Silver Linings Playbook
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
- The Young Messiah
Avail. 3/17/20
- Bert Kreischer: Hey Big Boy -- NETFLIX COMEDY SPECIAL
- All American: Season 2
- Black Lightning: Season 3
- Shaun the Sheep: Adventures from Mossy Bottom -- NETFLIX FAMILY
Avail. 3/18/20
- Lu Over the Wall
Avail. 3/19/20
- Altered Carbon: Resleeved -- NETFLIX ANIME
Avail. 3/20/20
- A Life of Speed: The Juan Manuel Fangio Story -- NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
- Archibald's Next Big Thing: Season 2 -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- Dino Girl Gauko: Season 2 -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- Greenhouse Academy: Season 4 -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- The Letter for the King -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- The Platform -- NETFLIX FILM
- Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Ultras -- NETFLIX FILM
Avail. 3/23/20
- Sol Levante -- NETFLIX ANIME
Avail. 3/25/20
- Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution -- NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY
- Curtiz -- NETFLIX FILM
- The Occupant (Hogar) -- NETFLIX FILM
- YooHoo to the Rescue: Season 3 -- NETFLIX FAMILY
Avail. 3/26/20
- Blood Father
- Unorthodox -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
Avail. 3/27/20
- Car Masters: Rust to Riches: Season 2 -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- The Decline -- NETFLIX FILM
- Dragons: Rescue Riders: Hunt for the Golden Dragon -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- Il processo -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- Killing Them Softly
- Ozark: Season 3 -- NETFLIX ORIGINAL
- There's Something in the Water
- True: Wuzzle Wegg Day -- NETFLIX FAMILY
- Uncorked -- NETFLIX FILM
Batman and Catwoman Are Having a Baby
DC Comics writer Tom King recently wrapped up a years-long run on Batman’s solo title that put the spotlight on Bruce Wayne’s romance with the cat burglar who stole his heart, Selina Kyle aka Catwoman. But their story isn’t over yet. To cap off their love story, King is teaming with artist Clay Mann on a Batman/Catwoman mini-series, and thanks to a new tweet from King, it appears a third character will be joining them -- their child. That’s right, Catwoman is pregnant.
The tweet simply shows a piece of art showing Batman and Catwoman standing atop a Gotham City gargoyle, like they do, but Catwoman is clearly showing a baby bump. The art could be from the upcoming Batman/Catwoman miniseries, but another option could be the Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular, which features a short story by King and his frequent collaborator artist Mikel Janin. IGN reached out to DC for clarification but they declined comment.
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They should probably get down from there. (Artist unknown. Image credit: DC Comics)[/caption]
Mitch Gerads, the artist who drew the two-part romance arc “Rooftops” in King’s Batman series, replied to the image with one of his pages from Batman #15 showing a naked, post-coital Bruce and Selina cuddling on a rooftop, implying that was the moment of conception for the baby.
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They definitely felt the love that night. (Art by Mitch Gerads. Image credit: DC Comics)[/caption]
King's Batman story features a flash-forward (seen in Batman Annual #2 and drawn by Janin) showing a possible future of an elderly Bruce and Selina raising their daughter Helena Wayne, so unless some unforeseen twist that changes that, we already know the happy couple is having a girl. A bit of trivia: Helena Wayne was the daughter of Bruce and Selina on Earth-2, and now it seems King is folding that into the main continuity.
But the story of Batman/Catwoman will feature more than just a newborn. The villain will be the titular bad guy from Batman: Mask of the Phantasm making their DC Comics debut, the Phantasm aka Andrea Beaumont.
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Batman and Catwoman have had quite the rocky relationship. At one point they planned to get married but Catwoman left Batman at the altar, which was revealed to be part of an elaborate plan concocted by Bane to "break" Batman's spirit. Yet despite forces conspiring against them, Batman and Catwoman eventually got back together.
In other Batman news, Ben Affleck opened up about why he really left The Batman, and we analyzed the crazy fan theory about the Batsuit's strange new chest emblem.
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Joshua is Senior Features Editor at IGN. If Pokemon, Green Lantern, or Game of Thrones are frequently used words in your vocabulary, you’ll want to follow him on Twitter @JoshuaYehl and IGN.

Sony Patent Suggests a New PSVR Controller May Be in Development
Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed a patent that may point to a new PSVR controller.
The patent, titled "Controller Device," details a new design for a remote-like VR controller that shares some similarities with the current PlayStation Move controllers, but it also has its fair share of upgrades.
Like the PlayStation Move controller, which has been around since the PlayStation 3 era, the patent shows a controller with a wand-like shape, four small face buttons, a trigger on the back, and a larger center button.
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The giant light ball is gone, and the patent describes finger-sensing technology that can detect contact from the user's fingers. PC VR rigs have had similar technology for some time, but the original PS Move controllers currently used for PSVR lack this functionality.
The patent also shows a wrist strap, and some are speculating that the strap may be used to simulate grabbing objects in VR, which is a function seen in Valve's Index VR controllers.
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It remains to be seen if this patent will become a real product in the future. The PlayStation 5 is set to release this year, and Sony has confirmed that current PSVR hardware will be compatible with PS5.
As for a new VR headset, a recent report from Bloomberg claims that Sony is planning to release a new version of PSVR to go on sale sometime after the PS5.
For more, check out another Sony patent for VR-compatible prescription glasses.
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Patent originally spotted by UploadVR.
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Logan Plant is a news writer for IGN, and the Production Assistant for Nintendo Voice Chat, IGN's weekly Nintendo show. You can find him on Twitter at @LoganJPlant.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Digital and Blu-ray Release Dates
Disney and Lucasfilm have officially announced the digital and home release dates for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
In the US, the digital version of The Rise of Skywalker will arrive first on March 17, with the 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD formats hitting shelves on March 31. In the UK, the digital edition will land in HD and 4K UHD on April 13, while fans who prefer physical releases will be able to pick up their copies on April 20.
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The Rise of Skywalker release is set to be accompanied by, "over two hours of bonus material," including a feature-length documentary titled, The Skywalker Legacy, which will go behind-the-scenes of Episode IX.
Other extras include storyboard-to-screen style featurettes that will dive into the making of Pasaana and the epic landspeeder chase, along with an exploration of the ship that connects Rey to the mystery of her missing parents and a closer look at new droid D-O. Plus, a conversation with Warwick Davis about his return as Wicket the Ewok, this time with his son, and a bonus creature feature that will reveal the puppetry, makeup, prosthetics and digital magic that helped to bring the galaxy's menagerie of aliens to life.
Interestingly, the list of special features does not make reference to any of the rumoured deleted scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor, including one that may have provided additional context for Kylo Ren's rampage on Mustafar.
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In addition to these releases, a complete 27-disc 4K Blu-ray boxset of the 9-Movie Skywalker Saga has now become available for pre-order.
In our review of The Rise of Skywalker, we concluded the film had been, "engineered to hit the viewer on multiple levels while struggling to settle 42 years' worth of story elements," which we suggested was "too much for any one film to handle."
For more reactions, take a look at our round-up of IGN staff reviews for the final chapter, find out the film's Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic scores, and discover how Episode IX's opening weekend compared to other Star Wars entries.
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Adele Ankers is a Freelance Entertainment Journalist. You can reach her on Twitter.