Monthly Archives: August 2015

Luke Cage Villain May Have Just Been Cast

Alfre Woodard has reportedly been cast in a lead role in Marvel’s Luke Cage Netflix series.

According to Deadline, Woodard (State of Affairs, True Blood) will star opposite Mike Colter (Luke Cage) as a powerful local politician named Minetta who "will have an impact" on Cage's life. The site says sources indicate that she could be a version of the Marvel villain Black Mariah, a nemesis to Luke Cage and Iron Fist in the comics.

Alfre Woodard as seen in State of Affairs Alfre Woodard as seen in State of Affairs

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Hollywood Has Failed Doctor Doom

Ask a comic book fan to name their favorite Marvel villains and Doctor Doom will invariably place high on the list. Ask the same question to someone who only knows the Marvel Universe from the various movies or TV projects, and Doom likely won't even make the cut. Can you really blame them? As iconic and beloved a figure as Doom is in the comics, the Fantastic Four movies have given casual audiences precious little reason to connect with the character.

13 Most Despicable Doctor Doom Stories

There's a huge gulf between Doom's popularity in comics and in other media, one that's really been brought into focus this summer. On one hand, Doom is the central figure in Secret Wars, one of Marvel's biggest and most enjoyable comic book crossovers in years. Secret Wars is inarguably one of Doom's finest hours. On the other, Doom recently had the misfortune to appear in Fox's disastrous Fantastic Four reboot, a movie that has been savaged by critics, ignored by moviegoers and will be remembered largely for the behind-the-scenes drama between director Josh Trank and the studio. Doom's lackluster portrayal in this movie might not have been its worst quality, but it certainly didn't help.

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App Store Update: August 21

Every day hundreds of new apps make their debut on the App Store, and hundreds more are updated or reduced in price. We have sifted through the noise and highlighted those select few that might be worth your attention.

Note: The prices and deals compiled below are accurate at the time we published this story, but all are subject to change.


Ghostbusters Puzzle Fighter – (Freemium)

I ain't afraid of no Match-3 puzzler!

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Rumor: Mad Max Director May Helm Man of Steel 2

George Miller, of Mad Max directorial fame, is rumored to be up for the directing job on Warner Bros.' sequel to Zack Snyder's Man of Steel.

According to The Death of Super Man Lives director John Schnepp, Warners is moving forward with Man of Steel 2 and wants the Mad Max: Fury Road helmer in the driver's seat.

"George Miller, he's doing Man of Steel 2," Schnepp said on the latest episode of Popcorn Talk's DC Movie News show. "Obviously Zack Snyder is doing Justice League 1 and 2, we already got James Wan doing Aquaman – Waterman I think they should change the title– but yeah I think George Miller is a perfect choice to do Man of Steel 2, he's going to bring so much to it."

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 on Xbox One Is Not 1080p

The recent release of the Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 demo on Xbox One reveals that it does not run in 1080p.

Pro Evolution Soccer product manager Adam Bhatti says on Twitter that Konami has chosen to keep the resolution "just shy" of 1080p in favour of higher FPS and game quality.

According to his next tweet, he is "Very confident no one will be able to tell the difference."

The PES 2016 demo available on Xbox One runs at 1360x1080p. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions run at 1280x720.

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Find IGN Comics at Long Beach Comic Con

Southern California’s Long Beach Comic-Con is fast approaching -- September 12 and 13 -- and it will feature all manner of comic book creators and cosplayers. It will also feature yours truly, Editor of IGN Comics, hosting two panels. If you’re in the area, stop on by to check out these panels and say hello.

logo_lbcc_large (1)Panelists: Jimmie Robinson, Joe Harris and Richard Starkings

Description: Join Joe Harris (Great Pacific), Jimmie Robinson (The Empty), and Richard Starkings (Elephantmen) as they discuss their current and past projects through Image Comics. Q&A to follow.

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Halo 5: Guardians Won’t Reveal Master Chief’s Face

Developer 343 Industries has confirmed Master Chief's face will not be revealed in Halo 5: Guardians.

Speaking to Game Rant at Microsoft's X15 event in Canada, creative director Tim Longo confirmed that Spartan 117 will not be taking his helmet off at any point in the game. "I actually don’t even know if I can talk about that," Longo said. "He doesn’t take his helmet off."

The legendary supersoldier's face has been shrouded in mystery ever since the series got its start with Halo: Combat Evolved. Are you glad 343 Industries plans to keep it that way? Let us know in the comments.

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New Promos for The Flash: Season 2

The CW has released a pair of new promotional videos for The Flash: Season 2.

Grant Gustin's Barry Allen has a brand-new look for the show's second season. Check out his flashy new costume right here and then watch the "Coming Fast" promo below.

Here's the second promo clip, titled "Catch Me."

Earlier this month, we learned Keiynan Lonsdale has been cast as Wally West and will be joining the show as a series regular.

The Flash returns to The CW on October 6. While you patently wait for the Season 2 premiere, check out our SDCC interview with the show's cast below.

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New Look at Force Awakens Characters

A pair of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens images have been revealed, providing a brand-new look at the cast of J.J. Abrams' upcoming sci-fi epic.

The photos are being featured as the cover images of Empire Magazine's latest issue. Here's the first one, featuring Kylo Ren front and center.

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