Monthly Archives: April 2015

This Week’s Deals With Gold Include Evil Within, Metro

This week's Deals with Gold have been revealed, with The Evil Within and the Metro titles serving as the main draw for both consoles.

As listed on Major Nelson's blog, the Xbox One versions of Metro 2033 Redux and Metro: Last Light Redux will be available for 40 percent less than usual, while the Metro Redux Bundle has 50 percent off. The Xbox 360 editions of Metro 2033 and Last Light also have 50 percent off.

Other than that, The Evil Within and NHL 15 are available on both consoles at a discount of 50 percent each. The final title available is Defense Grid 2 on Xbox One, which is 75 percent off.

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The Next Oddworld Remake Will Be Abe’s Exoddus

Oddworld lead Lorne Lanning has confirmed that a remake of Abe’s Exoddus is currently in development.

Speaking to KindaFunnyGames, Lanning says the team polled fans as to which game they wanted to see next, with the answer being Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus. That said, the game is still the in the early stages of development, so don’t expect too much news any time soon.

Keeping in line with Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty, Lanning mentions that the name of Abe’s Exoddus will be decided by the fans, whatever that may be. Furthermore, when Abe’s Exoddus does launch, the marketing will be stronger than what we’ve seen for past titles, and should the new title sell well, the title after that will be AAA in scope and quality.

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Star Ocean 5 Announced For PS4 and PS3

Update: Shortly after posting this, it's been revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu (via Gematsu) that Star Ocean 5 is in development for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.

Officially called Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness, the game is being developed by Tri-Ace and published by Square Enix.

Set on an uncivilized planet called Fakelead, 6,000 light years away from Earth, the battle system will be seamless and take place in real-time.

We're still waiting on an official reveal, or any news of a Western release. As the original story notes below, the full reveal is coming tomorrow, so be sure to check back then for more.

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Scientists Find Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars

Scientists have discovered evidence, taken from the Gale Crater using NASA’s Curiosity rover, that Mars has liquid brine water just below its surface.

Although it‘s been known that Mars harbors ice water, even glacial belts of ice water, scientists have previously thought that liquid could not be present due to the Red Planet's freezing climate.

According to a paper published in scientific journal Nature, the latest findings suggest that Martian soil holds liquid brine due to the presence of  calcium perchlorate, a salt that lowers the freezing point of water to roughly -70C.

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MKX Features Microtransactions For Easy Fatalities

Mortal Kombat X features two add-on packs offering players "easy" fatalities for real-world cash.

The packs offer a limited number of fatalities that players can achieve with simplified inputs. Currently, 5 are going for $0.99 USD and 30 will cost you $4.99 USD.

Other add-ons currently available are as follows:

    • Kombat Pack ($29.99 USD) -  offers you early access to 4 playable characters (including Jason Vorhees and Predator), plus skins.
    • Goro ($4.99 USD) - gives you Goro as a playable character.
    • Blue Steel Sub-Zero ($1.99 USD)  - lets you play as Blue Steel Sub Zero.
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GTA 5 Encounters Issue With Windows Usernames Featuring Special Characters

Rockstar has identified an issue with Grand Theft Auto V on PC where players with Windows usernames that feature characters other than regular letters or numerals “will likely run into difficulties when attempting to download, install, or play GTA V.”

Said issues can include an error message saying “The Rockstar update service is unavailable (code 1)”, or the game freezing while trying to download the update.

Rockstar is currently working on a fix for the issue but, if you’d prefer not to wait, the publisher explains that you’ll need to create a new Administrator User Account for your PC “that only includes letters A to Z, a to z or numbers 0-9 from the basic Roman alphabet.”

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Game of Thrones: Digging into the Season 5 Premiere

Warning: Full spoilers for HBO's Season 5 premiere episode follow...

Welcome to IGN's Game of Thrones show. This week, Eric Goldman and Roth Cornet dive deep on the Season 5 premiere "The Wars to Come."

We then move onto a discussion of the flashback. From there we talk about this week's big death and take social questions, which includes a discussion of our favorite characters.

Finally, with plenty of warning, we move into a book specific chat.

Download Our Game of Thrones Show, Episode 2!

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Mortal Kombat X Available Early in Australia

Video game retailer EB Games has announced that Mortal Kombat X is available to pick up and/or purchase today, a day ahead of its scheduled April 15 release date in Australia. Pre-order customers have been notified via SMS and the retailer also published a post on its Facebook page.

Confusingly enough, this was followed in short order by a post reminding interested folk about the Mortal Kombat X "midnight launch" event at EB Games' Garden City, Queensland store tonight (commencing at 9PM). Why exactly anybody would hang around anywhere until midnight to buy a game available now is somewhat of a mystery.

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Civil War Will Have Imax Footage

Captain America: Civil War will reportedly have close to 15 minutes of IMAX footage.

According to Variety, Civil War will be the first film to take advantage of Imax's all-new 2D digital cameras.

Co-director Joe Russo estimated approximately 15 minutes of footage would be shot, including at least one sequence "with some incredible scale to it".

Joe Russo was the co-director of Captain America: The Winter Soldier with his brother Anthony, and the duo is set to director the two-part Avengers: Infinity War for release in 2018 and 2019.

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