Monthly Archives: March 2015

FOX’s Rake Actor Cast in AMC’s Preacher

AMC has cast another supporting character in Preacher, an adaption of 1990’s Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon cult comic series.

According to Deadline, Ian Colletti (Rake) will star as Eugene Root, aka Arseface, a character disfigured after shooting himself in the face with a shotgun and surviving. Arseface is the son of Texas Sheriff Hugo Root in the comics, and while he never had an official name, the character appears to be 'Eugene' in the show.

AMC Preacher Arseface

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The Interstellar Game Isn’t What You’d Expect

A video game based on Christopher Nolan's Interstellar might inspire unfortunate flashbacks to Avatar: The Game, but the reality is much more delightful.

The Interstellar Text Adventure Game, created to celebrate the film's release on Blu-ray and DVD, is an '80s-tinged space adventure that tasks you with exploring a foreign planet as part of Professor Brand's humanity-saving expedition.Throughout the game, you'll have to place data probes across an inhospitable landscape at the risk of life and limb, all via text input.


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Destiny’s Next Update Will Add Colorblindness Correction Settings

As many people perceive color differently, Destiny's future 1.1.2 update will make Bungie’s shooter more color blind-friendly with a new dedicated Colorblind Mode.

“We took a lot of care to make sure our game shipped colorblind-friendly, but these settings will make things even easier for our colorblind friends,” user interface design lead David Candland writes on Bungie’s Weekly Update. “While the colorblind options may make the HUD look wonderfully colorful to many of us, colorblind players will gain a more distinct clarity, helping their environmental awareness - as well as helping them avoid that unintentional exotic dismantle.”

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Angry Birds Developer Rovio’s Profits Fall 73% in 2014

Finnish mobile developer and publisher Rovio, creator of the Angry Birds franchise, has seen its operating profit fall from €36.5 million to €10 million for the 2014 calendar year, reports Reuters. Rovio's total consolidated full-year revenue was also down by 9% year on year.

Rovio’s game revenue was up in 2014 but a steep drop in merchandise sales has had a significant impact on the company’s bottom line.

“On the consumer product side, 2014 was not a satisfactory year,” said Rovio CEO Pekka Rantala. “However, the upcoming Angry Birds feature film is getting very positive reactions from major retail and license partners as well as from consumer focus groups. This will have a positive impact on licensing in the coming years.”

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Watchmen Actor Might be Headed for Suicide Squad

Another Suicide Squad casting rumor has surfaced, this time involving Watchmen's Jackie Earle Haley.

According to El Mayimbe of Latino Review, Jackie Earle Haley's name is being "tossed around".

"Take with grain of salt until otherwise confirmed but found it interesting nonetheless."

There have been iterations of the character in DC Comics, but the original Thinker was Clifford DeVoe, a genius who used his intellect as a weapon through his "Thinking Cap." He appeared as a Flash villain before joining the Suicide Squad.

Recently, Mayimbe suggested that the main villain in David Ayer's film would be Antiphon, who leads a group "called #ONSLAUGHT which is up against #DEADSHOT & the rest of the Suicide Squad. Onslaught are hunting super heroes & villains for their own agenda. They're like a special ops team made up of mercenaries. Antiphon is a burn victim & has a prosthetic leg."

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Morena Baccarin & T.J. Miller Reveal Their Roles in Deadpool

Actors Morena Baccarin & T.J. Miller have finally revealed who they'll be playing in 20th Century Fox's Deadpool movie.

via Twitter, Miller revealed he'll be playing Deadpool's friend and information guy Weasel, while Baccarin followed with the news she'll be playing Vanessa, aka the shape-shifting mutant Copycat.

NASA’s MAVEN Finds Unexpected Activity in Mars’ Atmosphere

NASA's MAVEN mission has made a couple of unexpected finds in Mars' atmosphere: dust clouds and auroras.


According to Ars Technica, the dust clouds have been present since MAVEN - which is sampling Mars' atmosphere in order to help us understand its evolution - first entered orbit four months ago. It's unclear what is causing the dust to lift to ranges between 150 and 300kms above the planet's surface.

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Chris Jericho to Roman Reigns Haters: Shut the Hell Up

WWE Superstar Chris Jericho's brand new Blu-ray set,

, features more than 20 matches and 25 newly-filmed interview segments with Jericho himself. All making for a massive 7-hour compilation - a must for any Jerichoholic.

There's Jericho vs. Kurt Angle at Rebellion in 2001, Jericho vs. Ultimo Dragon at Bash at the Beach in 1997, Jericho vs. John Cena in a dark match from 2008, along with other stellar matches with Kane, HBK, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, and more. I had the chance to talk to Jericho about his new Blu-ray compilation, his recent limited live event stint with WWE, and his thoughts about Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania

IGN: I know you were involved with The Road is Jericho, but how much so? How much of it did you get to curate? The match selection, is that all you?

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