Monthly Archives: December 2016

Oculus VR Exec: ‘I Don’t Think We’ve Had the Spark Yet’

While Oculus head of content Jason Rubin is confident in the viability of VR as the next great computing platform, he doesn't believe we've seen the technology's killer app just yet.

On the latest episode of our monthly interview show IGN Unfiltered, Rubin said the inquiry as to what will be virtual reality's killer app is the "hardest" question he receives by the senior management at Facebook, and it "scares the living daylights" out of him.

Rubin pointed to software for prior platforms like Halo and Angry Birds, noting that those games, which have proven to be incredibly influential in cementing the viability of their respective platforms, were not created with the intention of being killer apps. He also mentioned Crash Bandicoot, which he created for PlayStation, noting that Naughty Dog didn't set out to make the system's killer app but instead "stumbled upon it" when crafting the series.

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Comic Book Reviews for December 21, 2016

The comic book industry isn't exactly taking a break for the holidays. Among other new releases this week, DC kicked off the Justice League vs. Suicide Squad crossover while Marvel debuted new series for Star-Lord and Gamora.

Scroll down to check out our reviews for these and various other new releases, and be sure to let us know your favorite books of the week in the comments below.

Note - we'll have reviews for Cave Carson #3 and Klaus & The Witch of Winter up a bit later.



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If You Hate Puns, You May Need Medical Help

A new study conducted at the University of Windsor in Ontario has identified how the human brain processes puns, and why some people find them so terribly un-funny.

According to an article in Scientific American, the left and right hemispheres of the brain have to work in tandem to decipher puns.

"In puns—where words have multiple, ambiguous meanings—the sentence context primes us to interpret a word in a specific way, an operation that occurs in the left hemisphere," the article explains. "Humor emerges when the right hemisphere subsequently clues us in to the word's other, unanticipated meaning," it goes on to say. Essentially, if your right hemisphere isn't keeping up with your left, you'll understand the pun, but find it shockingly boring.

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Fascinating Video Shows How SNL Pulls Off Live TV

Saturday Night Live is now in its 42nd season, but a new "Creating Saturday Night Live" video is likely to give many a bigger appreciation for what goes on behind-the-scenes of the comedy institution and the hard work of the crew who help make it all happen.

The video shows exactly what occurred between the end of the cold open for this past weekend's episode (which featured John Goodman as Rex Tillerson, Beck Bennett as Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump) and guest host Casey Affleck walking onstage two minutes later, as the opening credits concluded. As you'll see in the video, things on set are anything but sedate as the credits run, as the crew must disassemble the set from the opening sketch under such an incredibly tight, live-TV timeline.

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See Every Shadowverse: Rise of Bahamut Card

One of my favourite games this year was Shadowverse, a CCG that took inspiration from the likes of Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone, but ultimately came to the table with a number of fresh - and strong - ideas and mechanics. The game has already seen one major expansion - Darkness Evolved, and the second will be in the wild on December 29. It's called Rise of Bahamut and contains 107 new cards, with some cool gameplay twists.

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Vikings’ Alyssa Sutherland Discusses Aslaug’s Big Moment

Warning: The following interview contains huge spoilers for this week's Vikings episode, "In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning."

This week on Vikings, Queen Aslaug fell to Lagertha's well placed, and somewhat dishonorable, arrow as the former wife of Ragnar took advantage of her son Bjorn's big expedition and launched an assault on her former home, Kattegat. Aslaug managed to die with her head held high though, placing one final insult at Lagertha's feet, bragging about the sons she was able to give Ragnar.

I spoke to star Alyssa Sutherland about her exit from the show, Aslaug's final moments, and the Queen's dysfunctional connection with both Ragnar and son Ivar.

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Arrival Director in Talks to Helm Dune Reboot

Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve is reportedly in talks to helm the Dune reboot.

Variety reports that Legendary Pictures is eyeing Villeneuve to helm the project but both parties are still very much still in early talks. If Villenuve were to take on the film, this would be his third sci-fi project following Arrival and next year's Blade Runner 2049.

Legendary announced the Dune reboot after the company acquired the film rights from author Frank Herbert's estate earlier this year. The agreement allows Legendary to develop both film and TV projects. But, it doesn't look likely that Villeneuve would be involved in a potential Dune TV series, according to Variety.

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John Wick Comes to Comics

Dynamite Entertainment has struck a deal with Lionsgate to publish a John Wick comic in 2017.

Dynamite CEO Nick Barrucci told Entertainment Weekly the company chose to work on John Wick because of how the 2014 film expertly mixes "martial arts action with snappy dialogue and smart writing."

“As the credits rolled, you were left wanting more, and it was obvious they had the makings of a franchise," Barrucci said.

The comics will tell new stories about the titular character, and will be an expansion of the John Wick universe rather than straight adaptations of the movies. An early concept sketch of John Wick from artist Giovanni Valletta can be seen below:

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The Flash Midseason Premiere Trailer

In anticipation for The Flash's return next month, The CW has released a new trailer for the upcoming midseason premiere.

Check out the trailer below to see what lies ahead for Grant Gustin's Barry Allen, as he fights to change the future and save the one he loves.

The Flash: Season 3 returns with its midseason premiere on Tuesday, January 24 on The CW.

While you patiently wait to see what happens next, read IGN's "The Present" review to find out what we thought of the midseason finale. While you're at it, check out our interview with Flash actor John Wesley Shipp, in which he discusses his role as speedster Jay Garrick in The CW series.

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